The Visit

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"Thank you for waiting," the Beta says, tucking a loose strange of blonde hair behind her ear. Meanwhile Bakugo bores his eyes straight ahead, hardly acknowledging at the flirtatious glances given by other nurses from the inside of the infirmary. "Both casualties are in a coma, but we've tended most of their wounds."

Izuku was glad Iida wasn't here. Probably feeling as if staying by Todoroki's side wasn't his place to be. And, in honesty, Izuku felt guilty for even laying eyes on the heterochromatic Alpha in the first place. He was swarmed with guilt. Throughout all his life, Todoroki will fall in love with another Beta, or maybe Omega, and would mate with them, settle down somewhere within the sanctuary of what Bakugo had made and bare his own adorable and handsome pups. And all without knowing Iida's true love for him - one he can't help. If the myths of fate were true, Izuku was sure Iida was being played as the lovesick fool by the universe.

Still, he did care, and so he approached where the Alpha lay, the slow but steady beats of his heart bleeping from the monitor beside him. The spikes were quite weak, but still there.

Maybe Iida would come at night?

He didn't appear well. There was an oxygen mask over his face, various wires and needles prodding through his skin. There was a cannula found on his pale forearm and the back of his left hand, his right arm having a blood pressure monitor clipped to his index finger, taped on securely. Izuku recognised one of the many tubes leading to what he knew was a drug used after surgery - the thought made his breathing a little funny.

Surgery was a luxury, and an expensive procedure. You'd have to be extremely lucky to have it available to you, and a complete rarity on the streets. The fortunate ones get amputations - the others wait until their arm decays to black and for yellow infection to kill them.

Izuku was glad Todoroki could get decent surgery, and that his arms were well bandaged, his leg suspended to keep the bones in line. There were no signs of blood on his face, the small or large slashes having scabbed and taped shut with paper stitches.

Yaoyorozu lay beside him, although there was a little more colour in her face. The extent of her damage was a little worse, as pillows and strange comforters were used to keep her lying against her side. He quietly hopes for Jiro to come in later, when she feels better.

"Todoroki has had a few major surgeries, but none of his nerves are affected."

The information made Izuku worry. It wasn't usual to hear, in a medical brief, and he was put a little more on edge.

"His left wrist was fractured, and left forearm had a small break. His right leg had a large break just below his knee, and his right elbow was shattered. He had two broken ribs, but no punctures, and a fracture towards the small of his back. His calf had some serious muscle tissue damage, and the gash on his stomach caused rapid blood loss. We've given him enough, but a surplus might be needed for later."

Most of the damage seemed short term. At that, Izuku gave a soft breath of relief, giving a soft smile to the unconscious boy. Out of the corner of his eye, Bakugo's face was stoic, void of emotion as he silently digests the information.

Or dismisses it.

"Yaoyorozu hasn't lost as much blood, but other injuries have placed her into a coma. We've removed the mammary glands on her right breast, so there will be a noticeable difference. Her spine had been severely fractured, and will affect her physically."

The Beta pauses when Izuku gasps, casting him a reassuring glance.

"Luckily, there are no signs of paralysis. Potentially temporary, but nothing permanent. The only problem would be her reaction time, which will be heavily delayed."

At this point, Izuku would take that luck. Everything about this situation was enough to make Izuku feel grateful for being here at that moment. Yet, all the same, there was a voice in the back of his head telling him that he should've stayed with Jiro. That way, they would've rescued the two quicker. He'll remember to apologise to the others, and to Todoroki and Yaoyorozu, later.

"Her tibia, upper right arm and both wrists have had major fractures as well, but were relatively easy to mend. A rib had also been broken, and had punctured the-"

"When will they wake up."

It was a harsh demand, silencing the Beta, and she flinches at the sudden outburst.

"We can't promise until about one or two months. Todoroki will be able to move about in around four months, but Yaoyorozu might take eight months at a bare minimum."

"Expect double pay," Bakugo grumbles, before giving a side-glance at the casualties once more, before fleeing back to wherever. Izuku gives a thoughtful look to his back, before turning back to Todoroki.

"Please get well soon," he whispers, and it wasn't for his or Iida's sake.

Because somewhere, in those crimson eyes...

Bakugo was scared.


There was a solemn silence around the manor.

Izuku only goes to the library to retrieve a book of his interest, and even then goes back to his room, slipping out of his suffocating suit and soaking himself in warm water, using an assortment of soaps and oils to block out any smells of blood or rotting flesh.

He tries closing his eyes because, God, they were so heavy. But every time, he remembers what he saw behind those bars, and the lavender scent is infiltrated with the odours of his streets. It wasn't nearly strong enough!

He needed a scent so strong that it would force him to forget.

Only then did he wish to have a pot of jasmine flowers on him, smelling their sweet scent and drifting off until the water ran cold. But the water felt too thick, and he called off the warm soak after less than five minutes in.

He wears another thick hoodie and sweatpants, a sudden nauseous feeling, from realising how tall the room, making his head spin. He covers his head with the duvet covers, squeezing a small pillow from the seat by the desk as he uses the minimal light from beyond the covers to read his book.

There wasn't much else to it besides that. When the sun went down from behind the clouds, he used the lampshade on his side desk to continue reading, and read until his eyelids were equivalent to lead. Maybe Mirio would find a way to continue being a hero, even without a superpower? He could only hope Nejire and Tamaki would continue having his back.

A yawn causes his jaw to click, and he blinks, blindly putting the book back on the side desk. He then curls into his side, listening to his slow breathing.

He didn't want to be alone, but he was. And he wanted someone to hold and comfort him, but was used to not having anyone. Only Ochako, when she was feeling stronger than Izuku was. And this was rare, because it was always Izuku putting a brave face.

He'll take the nightmares, and the lack of comfort, all alone in a room filled with the unfamiliar. He felt like everything here had changed, and was a stranger. But he closes his eyes, trying not to think anymore. Switching off.

And, there, he falls. Into Oblivion.


Hey I updated on Saturday for once!

Bad news: it is probable next week I won't update (I have a camp). But I'll try and do something before the weekend :D

Be potates!


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