The Unveil

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After half an hour of crouching on the deserted streets of his old home, Izuku finally exhausts himself. He could barely focus, slouches against the firm and supportive body beside him.

He knew it was a breather. He certainly knew it wasn't over - not in a long while! There was a bubble inside of him, and he knew it hadn't quite yet disappeared, still aching like a cavity. He was bound to continue with unfinished business but, for now, the Alpha was his wall to lean on.

Kacchan turns to face him, and Izuku was... shocked to see the rosy warmth and care in his eyes. It still did surprise him!

"Wanna go?" he asks oh so carefully, in a way that nearly melts Izuku's golden heart. But he doesn't have it in him to respond, moving his chin closer to his chest. The action was enough for Kacchan to understand, since he decides to carry Izuku out of the massacre site and back to the jeep.

The ride back was silent. Izuku rests his head against the window beside him, closing his eyes to get rest, although occasionally lifting them back up because the images were engraved to his eyelids. Kacchan rummages through a small compartment and pulls out a hand-me-down CD of hits from a century ago. It creates some comfortable white noise to mask the tension in the air.

Upon passing through those gates, Izuku could feel a boil. An anger. Betrayal at a realisation, that all that destruction could've been prevented if it weren't for that God-awful Alpha beside him. Maybe this was a dirty tactic to make him stay here for the rest of his life, he had no goddamn idea! Because now he had nowhere else to go, and he's stuck here in this shitty mansion surrounded with luxury and such h... horrible snobs.

Kacchan did batshit for them! For him, even! Had he ever visited them before he came to buy him like some kind of object? Maybe he bought people before? More whores for him to pleasure himself with! Did he look down on everyone that time he went? Smiling in his glory like the devil himself? Whilst those below him cough and scrabble for food, touching the shiny surface of his giant car because they'd never seen one before in all of their miserable lives. How could Izuku be so fucking naïve?! Nothing that Alpha had ever done for him could ever justify what he entirely blamed to be his fault!

As soon as the car was parked, he gets himself out, a little shaky on his feet. He just wanted to go to his room and scream into his pillow in frustration and loathing. The Alpha, on the other hand, seemed to have ideas of his own. He grabs Izuku's small waist when he trips, leading him towards the house, and the Omega growls, attempting to rip those blood-clad hands off of him. His skin was crawling and the sooner he got out of here, the less he'd feel like throwing up. Kacchan picks up on the distressing scents and tries releasing a few calming pheromones but it only seemed to agitate the Omega further. His hands come off and Izuku bolts before Kacchan could utter another word, his green curls bobbing up and down as he flees.

Shoes are recklessly thrown into the shoe cupboard, the Omega storming up the stairs at a brisk pace as the Alpha follows close behind him, his jawline set despite the worrying expression on his face. The Omega, on the other hand, looked fed up, wanting to put as much distance between the two of them, just like before. As if all they'd been through together meant nothing, and that they were back to Square One. Back to hatred and snarls and fights.

"Where do you think you're going?" Kacchan asks, although maybe snarls with the tone he'd accidentally used. He feels his lips curl unpleasantly.

"Away from you!" Izuku snarls back, his heart too broken and mind too cloudy with rage to give a damn about any consequences he'd face from the Alpha. He saw the flicker of irritation in those crimson eyes, but didn't look long enough to search for any more, spinning on his heal and heading to the direction of his room.

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