The Still

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Two weeks pass and, surprisingly, Izuku had seen significantly less of Bakugo. The main hall remained empty, almost the entire building suddenly void of his scent. Well, it was definitely still there, but it was a lot weaker. An after scent.

A footprint of what was left behind.

The only sign that he was in the building was simply by standing on the opposite end of the hallway his bedroom was at. It reeked a plethora  of scents, including bitter ones of ash and more darker, undistinguishable ones. Izuku knew the incident had affected Bakugo badly, considering how strong and how far-down the scents reached. He was glad he had a kitchen of his own, so he weren't starving himself by locking himself away.

No one had really said much either. There was still that quiet, or stillness, in the air. Word had quickly got around of Todoroki's and Yaoyorozu's conditions. The fire of gossip was fuelled enough for a week but, eventually, almost everyone knew, and that fire died to only a few embers. At least, until more gossip stirs.

Izuku places in the make-shift bookmark he'd made, sometime last week, into the new book he was reading, already seven chapters in. This makes it the sixth book he's read here, this time about a hero named Best Jeanist. These superhero novels really were growing on him!

He puts the book down, shifting himself slightly and announcing a sweet "Come in!" to the person who knocked at the door. It had been a while since Tsu had visited, and he couldn't help but smile. "You f-feeling better?"

Tsu had entered heat last week. Izuku could smell that it was coming, but now she looked as if she never had one in the first place. Her eyes were still that vibrant, swampy green, and that cute smile still curled across her face.

"Yup ~ kero!" she chimes back, and it took a moment before Izuku realised the change in hairstyle. It was definitely more complicated than the traditional ponytail she wore - this was like the bows you see on presents.

"Y-Your hair looks nice!" Izuku exclaims bashfully, his cheeks turning a shade red. He'd only recently found this out, but he was definitely shy when it came to complementing others and sharing his honest opinion out loud. And, through complete honesty, Tsu's hair was a literal masterpiece!

"Th-Thanks," Tsu replies, her own round cheeks flushing slightly as she presses a finger lightly against one of them. "Th-There was someone who helped me ~ kero."

And it was then that Izuku had also recognised the scent of an Alpha. An unfamiliar Alpha, but an Alpha nonetheless. Which meant Tsu had not spent her heat alone, and had got lucky enough to be scented! And without a bite mark! That Alpha must be kind and committed and extremely talented to somehow resist temptation like that! The only real question was who?

Izuku masks this curiosity with a sly look, deciding to tease the Omega a little.

"A good time then?"

And, not even a second later, he snaps back to his bashful self, turning redder than Tsu did.

Neither had functioned coherently for a solid three minutes.

Until Tsu spoke up.

"I c-could ask the same t-to you and Bakugo ~ kero!"

Izuku tries to urge his cheeks to cool down.

But the topic of the hot-headed Alpha still pulls him back to those deeper thoughts. 

"Tsu?" he asks, after a long pause. By then, both their cheeks had drained back to their original states, and Tsu was wearing that sweet smile of hers. "Do you know what's wrong with Kacchan?"

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