The Rescue

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The ride was shorter than it felt. Izuku tried to close his eyes, attempting to simmer his nerves, but the constant thought of the potential dangers that might arise in the future failed to consolidate him. No matter what he did, his legs still felt like jelly, and the same jitters ran though him. 

His eyes always drift off to the trail ahead, a barren dust path laid ahead. Everyone in the car had long ago taken off their helmets, placed firmly on the floor until they'd reached their destination. Vulnerability suited Izuku, surrounded by Alphas with bodies like rugby players in the middle of nowhere. To put it straight, he hated it. But Bakugo taught him enough skills.

As well as... other stuff...

He watches each general in turn. Jiro's eyes were dead-focused on the road ahead,  probably scanning for jagged stones that can risk tyre puncture or natural obstructions that might interfere in their course. Kirishima's and Kaminari's hands were still tightly held, although there was some lightness to the air between them, exchanging jokes and smiles about everything and nothing. Mina was probably talking about the explosives. Izuku still had no idea why Bakugo would entrust such an enthusiastic and seemingly thick girl be responsible with killing devices that could end the mission right there an-

He dismissed the thought, before his pheromones could concoct a scent of anxiety.

Sero occasionally looks at his phone. He didn't seem too phased about anything. Just another mission might just be his approach on this. Iida, on the other hand, seemed a little... nervous?

"Y-You okay?" Izuku subconsciously blurts out, but only quietly enough for the raven-haired Alpha to hear. He blinks a few times, surprised at the random outburst, but pushes his glasses up, giving a convincing smile that was a little too tight at the corners.

"Could be better," he says politely, and honestly. "It's been five days since we've last heard from them. I just hope nothing bad has happened." And, secretly, Izuku thinks the same.

Anything could happen within a certain amount of hours, let alone days. And all everyone could do is hope that the odds are in their favour and that Todoroki and Yaoyorozu wouldn't be injured.

Or, worse yet... dead.

Izuku doesn't dwell on it, giving of an uneasy yet reassuring smile to Iida before his eyes move to something different.

The back of a spiky blonde head.

Of course.

Bakugo had to be one of the greatest mysteries here. Like the Gordian Knot. He's stuck always pulling threads and each time he thinks he's a step closer, he blinks and suddenly its as though the knot seemed to tie itself together again. The more he tries, the tighter the knot gets, and Izuku now doubt whether he'd ever be able to decipher what's in the centre.

What's Bakugo's intention? Izuku can only visually picture it by weighing up the pros and cons of each side of the argument.

On one hand, he still hasn't used submission on him. That little snippet of a more kinder person that was hiding away inside of that tough exterior did stop the intimacy of last night to reassure that everything would be okay. Changing his scent to one of more comfort but with surprisingly very little arousal left behind also required high amounts of skill. It takes an awful lot of practice to master. Not to mention how he'd resolved the stigma pinned to the Omegan society.

Yet, all the same, he still had lust or limited self-control, and Izuku had only seen one glimpse of the centre of the knot. Other than that, he was basically trash to Bakugo - something he can kick around and have little care for. He still forced himself on Izuku, and ignored the obvious cries of fear slipping from his mouth. And what fucking excuse did the Alpha have for stripping so much away from the poor!

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