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Izuku holds his breath, clenching his hands into fists. Warm sweat thickens at the back of his neck, slick and tacky, and a nagging voice begs to wipe it off, though his instincts kept him frozen to the spot. Because, right then, an overbearing wave of fear had struck him, trembling vulnerably in the scarce amount of clothing that he had.

He could only think about those traps above his head. Whatever those compartments hid, he could feel their weight above his head. And knew they were presumably meant for him.

He couldn't figure out what, though. Not over the fear and pungent scent of the Alpha, seeping into his brain and making all his thoughts fuzz or mute. He holds onto what the Alpha had said before being sent off to be scrubbed down to the bone.

"Clean, and prepare him for presentation."

Shit! Even thinking about that low, gravelly voice had Izuku's heart jumping in anticipation! Breathing had become a burden to him!

He doesn't move an inch. Not as the Alpha was circling around him, eyeing his figure with dark, crimson eyes. He moves slowly, footsteps echoing from the black flooring.

Clack. Clack. Clack.

His senses sharpen when the Alpha stops behind him, not daring to turn and look, but also anxious. He was out of hindsight - he had to expect the worst.

Seconds pass.

Izuku tries to loosen his tight throat.

He swallows.

His hands are fidgeting with the silky fabric draped around him.

And then he's yanked back, yelping out as he's pinned against a wall completely against his will, arms forced up without any effort, and then bound together by thick rope. Still, he's struggling against the Alpha, snarling threateningly for the taller and stronger one to not lay another finger on him.

But the deed had already been done.

The Alpha steps away, but only to drag the rope down a track Izuku had failed to notice before. The Omega was too weak to withstand the unbelievable power he was up against, the muscles visibly contorting the shape of the plum-coloured blazer sleeves. He stumbles forwards when the track abruptly reaches the end, right back into the centre of the room, and the Alpha pressed a button on some remote control in his pocket, the rope lifting up and locking in place. Izuku tries to move, but his feet barely graze the ground, and he could feel the blood circulation cut off at his wrists, so he was forced to remain stationary.

His growls don't stop though, ready to kick the Alpha if he dared to come too close. He would use every ounce of endorphin to push through the pain and mark a blow on that God-awful, prideful and heartless mafia boss!

When the Alpha had come back into sight, Izuku's eyes rake his figure. For a defect or a weak point, he didn't know, but only then did he realise how significantly taller the Alpha was. His hair was blonde - ash blonde - that looked grey in the scares amount of light. The dimmed orange lighting made the tips of his hair flare in fake gold and class.

Izuku refused to believe he was of such royalty.

His face, to Izuku's dismay and disgust, was completely blemish-free, well-shaped and shaved, masculine, intimidating and perfect in every way. He wonders how much cash the Alpha would blow to simply keep his skin in such quality. Maybe he just forces his servants to look after him, because he was too much of a baby to do it himself!

Then his eyes. His eyes are what struck out to him the most, if not for the other asset the Alpha held to. They were stark claret, darkened with a type of greed that would make Izuku want to sink and rake his chipped nails and blunt fangs all over the Alpha's handsome face. Looking at those scarlet eyes stirred a burning hate in him, if the opinion of the Alpha he'd had before wasn't already enough.

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