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Kaminari was resting at a desk in the quiet study room. Quite ironic, since he was normally one of the noisiest people in the manor, but he did have times where he wanted the solitude and silence. This was one of them.

He was reading an old book from the depths of the archives, the pages worn and yellowed with age, the spine creased and at the brink of breaking. He turns each page with fragile care, his golden eyes glimpsing over each line with an impressive speed, especially with it all being English. Yes, Kaminari was one of the few fluent English speakers at the manor, but wasn't all that proud to show it. It was a talent he liked to keep to himself and the warmth of that study room and if anyone had asked, he'd smile and shrug it off. Currently, he had his nose stuck into a newer edition of 'Knoxes and Feis'.

His eyes momentarily drift from the page when he hears the soft sounds of a throat being cleared, it having the effect of a bullet being fired through the quiet. A smile graces his lips when he sees a mop of messy green hair and a round, freckled face, the warm Omegan scent drifting towards him. Kaminari had notices, gradually, how sweeter Izuku's scent had gotten. Maybe he was finally warming up to this place?

Izuku's eyes suddenly widen, fixed onto the boy laying back on the love seat, the vintage book now closed over his finger. "Sorry! D-Did I disturb you?"

Kaminari quietly chuckles, opening the book momentarily to memorise the page number before shutting it, placing it down on the table. "Nah, you didn't! I've got a while of doing nothing anyway. Got a few hours before I help clean the weapons out in the training room." He sighs a little, redundancy in his voice.

"What w-were you reading?" Izuku asks, taking a couple of steps closer. Kaminari, in turn, stands up, stretching his back slightly, his spine clicking a few times.

"Some old English book I'd found. The plot isn't too interesting but the writing is really good! There are a couple of words I don't actually know so I write them down here."

And Kaminari pulls out, from the depths in the pockets of his sweatpants, a small notebook, the front reading 'Kami's book of wierd words'. The handwriting was only just legible, and Izuku was quite shocked on how ghastly it was. Surely writing is supposed to be an art, right? Weird was also spelt wrong.

"I have mild dyslexia," he states, and Izuku frowns as the foreign term. "Basically means I struggle with words. Although, for me, it's just spelling. Reading is a breeze for me!"

Izuku giggles, in spite of himself.

"Do you write then?" he asks, quirking a brow with his arms folded. His footsteps take him closer towards the door back into the library, and Izuku all but reluctantly follows in suite.

"N-No, actually," he replies. "I-I was taught how to read before I was seven, b-but I was not once taught how to p-pick up a pen!"

"Hmmm," he hums in response. "Spose I could teach you, then?"

Izuku laughs. "I suppose y-you could!"

They were now back in the library, in the presence of a few people. Some were reading silently at one of the few white tables in plastic chairs, others sat around circular brown tables, doing some work or taking notes down, discussing answers and file reports. Izuku could never talk about such nonsense, or be remotely in charge of administration.

"So," Kaminari muses, "A little bird told me that you were going around asking people why they like Kacchan!"

Izuku cringes slightly. "D-Does Kacchan allow you t-to call him that?"

Kaminari snorts. "Ha no! I'd basically be dead if I called him that to his face! But you're avoiding the point here, Mr Omega!"

A half-hearted laugh. There was no getting out of this.

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