The End

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Just so you know, this chapter was strangely hard to write without Sero... probably a writer's decision I regret, second to Uraraka.

Also, shameless promotion for Games in the Dark - my new bkdk book featuring Blind Izuku and Barista Katsuki. This is a plot I want to publish professionally in the future so I'd appreciate if you'd check it out :)


"Kiri!" Kaminari exclaims, though it lacked his usual derp-like enthusiasm, instead filled with exhaustion. Depression even, since his eyebags were so large.

"Hey," his Alpha replies, his arms feebly opening out for his mate to snuggle into. "I can tell you didn't sleep too well again."

"Man," Kaminari huffs, leaning further against the firm chest and allows Kirishima to hold him up instead of his aching knees, "They were at it like freaking animals last night! I'm just so glad it's all over!"

Kirishima chuckles, though there wasn't as much humour as usual. Seriously, Bakugo was normally equivalent to a horny teenager on steroids. And, since he is almost certain they had mated, it only seems Bakugo had become more enthusiastic with his... ministrations. To make matters worse, Izuku actually seemed to take not only continuous rounds, but multiple periods of continuous rounds throughout the day. He tiredly wonders if there were anything they didn't actually try in the bedroom.

But he didn't care enough to dwell on it. Somehow, those lewd noises bled down the third floor.

The next day, Katsuki was caught outside of his room, stinking of his post-rut, sweat, sex and the obvious scenting of his Omega. He still wore a suit, but the most unmistakeable part was the obvious limp.

Bakugo Katsuki was limping.

Anyone could smell him within a 10 metre radius, so they all ensured to keep that distance as Katsuki walks towards the library to grab a few books. They were mostly centred to the expansion, and various ideas he could discuss when outlining plans to the building force. He certainly needed an idea for the facilities the houses have, as well as other communal areas or businesses.

He also takes out a book called 'How To Look After Your Mate', and 'A Guide to the Omega's Anatomy'.

He then heads straight back to his room, not showing another appearance. This stirs a bit of gossip, some jealous, some humoured, some just tired of the clattering of cabinets at 3am.

Having sex is okay.

But whatever encounters had happened over those five long days was... something.

The day after, the two had finally made an appearance, and had called a meeting. No purpose was given which, for the most part, put the advisors under a bit of anticipation.

But most of them were too dead to care enough.

It was around the late morning and the advisors were waiting around the table, trying but mainly failing to be lively. There was no pinning or flirting or affection or just general conversation. Silence and stillness. No one wanted to talk.

The light of the party came in, Katsuki slamming the door open with finesse, Izuku, in one of Katsuki's large hoodies, clinging to his arm. Both their necks were on full display, showcasing the hundreds of hickeys along their necks, as well as those deep, thoroughly-gnawed bite marks. They had an airiness to them, almost as if them being mates made them the happiest people on the planet, and they'd make sure to show that, the two exchanging licks and pecks in the whole minute of them standing there.

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