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Another day of doing nothing.

He was once again dressed, with the help of Tsu, forcing down an Expresso to give him something bitter to fill his stomach with. This time, he accepts the food offered to him, although only twice so far. During those times, he'd eat another slice of fluffy bread or a cup of soup, although finding himself attracted to the heavenly cookies that burst with sweetness in his mouth.

Each time, he'd always made sure the Beta servant would answer 'No' when he asked him:

"W-Would the rest of this food b-be wasted?"

He wouldn't know for sure, but at least hearing as such from someone else put him further at ease. Later, once she'd walked in again, he asked Tsu where all the food truly goes.

"I-I'm pretty sure the food isn't th-thrown away like that ~ kero."

Izuku breathes a sigh of relief, releasing the hem of the satin blouse he was given to wear. Again, it fits perfectly to the small curve of his chest, even more so to his hips, which seemed to be getting bigger. Maybe because he'd finally been given food with amble nutritional value.

"Where is Bakugo anyway?"

Izuku was surprised to see Tsu flinch at the sound of his name. Then again, what Omega wouldn't be scared of someone so ruthless and powerful and... arrogant?

"Don't say his name like that."

His eyes narrow. There wasn't a stutter in her voice.

"What do you mean?! All Bakugo has ever acted to me as is an asshole!  He has been nothing else but!"

"Please, Izuku! D-Don't-"

Tsu gulps.

"J-Just don't."

Izuku presses his mouth shut, nodding to show that he understood.

Although he didn't.

How could anyone not hold such distaste towards Bakugo?! He's only been rude to Izuku! Treat him like a rat! He didn't blame Bakugo, but the fact that he was one of the main reasons why families are starving on the street makes the conditions so much worse! He held no mercy for him, and saw no way of Bakugo deserving any more respect than the little Izuku has for him.

"He's in th-the middle of a meeting with an-nother mafia ~ kero."



Now that was a name Izuku wasn't too familiar with.

"W-We decided to c-cut off a trade with them recently, and th-they're discussing the terms t-today ~ kero."

Curiosity was getting the better of him.

"What trade?" he asks, cocking his head.

"W-Weapon trade."


There was a knock to his door.

The first thing he checks is the scent, as the knock was a little more firm than the ones of a servant offering him food.

It was a Beta.

"Come in," he says, and shudders once the woman walks in, eyeing him with disgust.

"The boss wants you at his quarters. Come."

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