The Expansion

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Over a month had passed since the war and, finally, Bakugo holds an official follow-up meeting. There were occasional glances of hurt towards the ominous empty seat but, luckily, the worst had passed.

"We need a plan of action," the leader grumbles, looking at every one of his advisors. "We've killed off that bastard and now there's a load of losers looking for a p..."

The eerie glare shot in his direction had Katsuki slowly turn to electric green orbs, scolding him for referring to others as 'losers'.

"Kacchan," he impedes in a warning tone, "Be nice!"

Snickers chorus through the room.

Katsuki, in turn, growls, trying to keep himself in check.

"A load of... people looking for a place to stay."

Izuku admired Katsuki for deciding to respect the enemy instead of leaving them to rot in their own misery. Why they fought so vigorously will always remain a mystery, but not even that would stop Katsuki from doing what's right, with the kindness of his heart passed on from his parents.

"Why not they all just crash here?" Kaminari asks, shrugging as if the solution were simple.

It wasn't.

"We don't have nearly enough beds for them all," Iida states, "And besides, what's the point if we don't have nearly enough resources to feed everyone?"

"That's... True," Yaoyorozu mumbles, "But we could extend our farms further outland."

The injuries Yaoyorozu had endured months ago had practically disappeared. Her reaction time was slower, movements a little stiff, but she wasn't in pain. It was a recovery well hoped for.

"Not really," Kirishima mutters, "The ground isn't fertile enough to grow crops."

Kaminari snickers. "Since when were you a farmer!" This earns a red eye roll.

Izuku really wanted to suggest something on this matter. Something that could assist with the resource issue. Overpopulation was not a huge issue. They could always expand out the living space, varying from extending the left and right wings of the living suites or starting a village.

But he didn't want to speak out of turn. Hell, he had to check himself over thoroughly to ensure he wasn't mumbling.

Instead, he looks to Katsuki for permission, hoping the Alpha would notice. Fortunately, not even ten seconds later, those crimson irises are already shifting to meet his own.

"Go on, Zu," he mumbles, and Izuku's stomach does a flip at the adorable nickname.

"Wh-What if we..."

He fidgets a little. It wasn't that he was used to being centre of attention but... everyone was eerily quiet, and it definitely frightened him. Especially as most of them, including those red eyes, belonged to Alphas.

"What i-if we build indoor farms? Th-That way we c-could give good soil t-to g-gr-grow the crops. W-We could also make settlements further out to give more pri-"

"No!" Katsuki barks, though Izuku saw past the aggression.

He's scared.

It's the same flickering look in his eyes, clouded with trauma and desperation.

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