The Talk

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"We need to talk."

Izuku tries to lighten the mood, giggling a little. "We're already talking, Kacchan!"

Katsuki's heart does a little stutter in his chest, his ears turning the slightest bit red.

"Okay, but what's wrong?"

Normally, Katsuki is a man with a hard exterior, and has a bubble around him that not even the sharpest blade could penetrate. But right here, cuddled into this Omega, Katsuki was softer and more pliant, easily undone. The words spill from his lips effortlessly, and not because he couldn't help it, but because he trusted Izuku, and knew he really did want to know what's wrong.

"I-I know... that I've been horrible to you. I've acted like there's a stick in my ass like Four Eye-... I-Iida. I've been such a douche."

The words on paper seemed like very Bakugo things to say. But the tone Katsuki used was honest, and guilty. Because he did feel bad - Izuku was never an object to him, and yet he continued to take for granted.

"Yet somehow you accepted me, and didn't give up on me. You're someone... special, damn nerd! You changed me, and I'm not afraid to admit my feelings anymore!"

His heart was in his mouth


Katsuki... No... I-It didn't make sense!

The air had suddenly grown thicker and he was filling with a fuzz that took up every crevice in his brain.

And yet each word that left the Alpha's lips was clearer, and heavier.

"I like you."

His entire face filled with crimson, making each freckle on his cheek stand out more.

Katsuki's ears get a little darker, now crawling to his neck.

There was an elongated silence, where both sat stiffer than a rock, praying for either to make a move. They quite literally couldn't say anything, anxiety a silent killer.

"I-I..." Izuku practically whimpers, his cheeks aflame. But his heart was beating away like a runaway train, or a drum pounding against his ribcage. It was harder to swallow, or breathe, but his chest was filled with such vibrant and colourful emotions, spilling through the cracks.

He had to say so, now that the epiphany struck his very core at that moment:

He likes Katsuki. He really does! Always had, ever since the moment he first showed his true self. And that's exactly what made him fall so far, tangled happily in this comforting web that cuddled him so close.

He was the Alpha - Izuku was certain.

The Alpha that would protect him, and care for him.

And that's what he felt in that warm embrace - the one given to him through times of his own despair.

It went both ways. They relied on each other. Opened up to each other, as if there really were an invisible threat binding them together.

He breathes in, the oxygen filling every cell in his blood. His eyes open wide, revealing an emerald pool that Katsuki could swim in for days.

And his mouth opens, voice sweet like milk.

"I like you too."

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