The Crack

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"Not you, Deku," he growls under his breath, only loud enough for Izuku himself to hear.

This spiked the Omega's anxiety. Was he going to face another punishment? He could still taste the bitter residue that remained in his mouth. He refused to do something so foul again!

Everyone else cleared out of the box-like room, the door swinging shut behind them firmly, and then the silence sinks in.

Leaving the Alpha and Omega alone.

Oh god.

"You've got some nerve, yelling in my meeting for no reason!" he grits through clenched teeth, and Izuku could already feel goosebumps prickle across his skin, adrenaline activating his fight-or-flight response. And, this time, he was so ready to take flight and run.

Preferably out of the 'castle', but just back to the solitude of his room would be nice.

"Don't want a repeat of yesterday, do we, Omega."

And automatically, Izuku shivers. Because he didn't want the feeling of those large Alpha hands all over his small, scarred and anorexic body, as well as the alien sensations that made him quite literally lose control. Or maybe he wanted to. Maybe he wanted that feeling of losing his mind as his entire body wracks into a state of pleasure, and curious as to what strange things Bakugo could do that can make him feel more. Maybe, that shiver was hunger for more.

He didn't dare dwell on it, forcing a defensive frown onto his face, bearing his small canines in the light of the fire.

Bakugo's expression doesn't falter, nor does his tone. "You wanna actually help out with that damn mission? Then you're gonna have to train with me. With those fucking sticks, you ain't going anywhere!"

Izuku winces at the harsh words the Alpha used. Yet he holds his tongue, trying not to say anything and get into any more trouble than he already did.

"You can go around wherever the fuck you want but I'm sending Shitty Hair to get you in a few hours. Don't go trying anything, Deku."

And Izuku understood the warning. He was planning on sticking around a little longer anyway.

"Now get lost," he concludes, he himself striding out first, the door swinging shut behind him.

Leaving Izuku by himself.

And he doesn't stick around for long.

Bakugo just permitted him to do whatever he wanted! So he didn't have to go locking himself in his room! Well, sure, he wanted to stay there and stay out of trouble but the place he was staying at was huge and he wanted to try and look for the Omegas he'd met before. He also had a lot to explore and, considering he'd be stuck in this place for only a little while longer, it's best he started as soon as he could.

So where to first?

He exits the box room, marvelling the greatness of the main hall. It was just as grand as the entrance, the skylight above illuminating the entire room, the two crystal chandeliers remaining mere ornaments. Much like how Izuku was to Bakugo.

He was still bitter about that - and with good reason.

He slips between the giant oak doors, his hands gently grazing against the varnished carvings of beautiful patterns, and finds himself making a sharp right, walking straight down and around another hall. This, surprisingly, was a dance hall, and he could get a glimpse of a polished chequered floor, the colours reminding him vividly of the chess board he remembered having back when he lived with his dad. He never played chess - he was never taught it properly.

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