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Hello beautifuls :D literally wanted to say THANK YOU for reading this!!! 30K and I'm still writing out chapters it's insane!!! This has never happened to me in an official book! :)


Shigaraki wakes with a start, cursing at the murderous headache, worse than any hangover he's had to date. He had to take a moment to allow his brain to stop swirling in order to piece together why he could possibly have such a huge-


Bakugo was finally using his domination.

So, what happened? Did he finally tear his chest open and rip his heart into two to stop it from beating? Did he go beyond insane and spasm, like the other victims to his domination had done? Did he scream and perish, or laugh at how glorious the pain felt? What he did remember was the quench of his stomach as his eyes rolling to the back of his head, the world blurring around him.

But, as his eyes train to focus, reality strikes a blow to his chest when he sees Toga unconscious on the ground.

"F-Fuck," he growls, stuttering to his feet, "Fuck fuck fuck f-FUCK!"

A flame-like anger consumes him as his fists crunch up around the second knife strapped to his belt and he lamely staggers towards the Alpha who was crouching, his bare shoulders quivering as he faces the body adjacent to him. Shigaraki's hand snaps back, his teeth grinding with distaste as he strikes it down onto Bakugo's back, slashing a deep crimson cut that gushes like a waterfall.

Yet it only earns a tired, audible grimace, which only feeds the fire.


His voice screams raw, mad with frustration.


Before he could land another attack, he was wrestled to the ground at lighting speed by the body of a tank, barely opening his eyes with the wind knocked out of him as he struggles to get up, but not for long, the splintering sound of his neck breaking enough to crack through the woodland.

And, like that, the horrible, merciless tyrant was slain.

But Shigaraki was the least of his worries, because Katsuki was crawling back to Izuku, wiping the blood from his hands and gulping for breaths through his constricted lungs. He's gritting his teeth through the pain of the fresh cut, blinking past the fatigued haze and black dots to prevent himself from passing out.

He can't pass out! Not while his Omega is writhing in discomfort, his mind throwing him into a panicking fit, which wasn't good at all considering he was right in the midst of his first heat.

His scent responds to the arousing and desperate ones, and Katsuki finds himself trying to sooth him by making it stronger, and supporting his back to put him into a slouched position. He'd taken his blazer and shirt off to wrap around his abdomen, acting as a bit of pressure to reduce the cramp, though adamantly discarding his shirt once seeing over half of it had been dyed in his own blood. His other hand moves to stoke through the head of matted curls, praying for someone else to come because he, as he reluctantly admits, couldn't look after him well enough. At least, not while he was bleeding out from the cut on his back and the stab through his chest.

He was in no condition to be aroused either, and it would be highly doubtful that he'd put up a fight if another primal Alpha came by looking for an ideal mate. Hell, perhaps domination would work, but...

ᴴᵉ'ˢ ⁿᵒᵗ ⁿᵒʳᵐᵃˡ, ˡᵒᵒᵏ ᵃʷᵃʸ!

... he didn't have it in him.

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