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Bakugo was laying on his balcony, looking up to the starry night sky. It was a rare quiet night, where his mind was finally at peace, connecting those constellations and constantly drawing his attention away, only to think of those freckled cheeks.

He swore Deku was a doe. Only a doe could have such beautiful, bright and wondering features, like those round eyes, with irises so large and green he could go adventuring through them for hours on end. Or that tiny button nose that displayed no masculinity - only innocence and... Cuteness? Perhaps the hair as well, one of Bakugo's greatest mysteries yet. It was so unbelievably untamed, curling everywhere with that mismatch of black and green! And yet it suited him perfectly. Gave him personality, and character, an a strange light. And what about that adorable smile? A little curve to those thin lips, his eyebrows arching slightly, those orbs gaining a little more colour. And when he blushes - oh God! So adorable, and yet so stupid at the same time!

Yes, Bakugo was well and completely smitten for his Deku, but he still needed to give him space. He didn't want to make this brash - Deku wasn't like any of the other extras. He was special, and so Bakugo wanted to give his attempts to courting the Omega his all.

But he flickers back to that peaceful night, counting stars and observing them. There were a few silver ones out, with the occasional gold and blue. Today, there was a red star out, shining brighter than the rest. It wasn't Mars - Mars was further to the left of the sky.

He could already see those red eyes again, smiling at him, proud of everything he's accomplished. Of course she is. Every single fucking time.

'I'm not,' he answers. 'You can't shake the past off that easily.'

He jumps a little when he hears a knock at the door, those eyes disappearing before he could gaze into them once more. Hesitantly, he tears himself away from the balcony, closing the glass door behind him before answering the door. He was only greeted with none other than the green-haired idiot himself, with an expression of caution and... something he had no idea of? It was a mixture of flustered and... not?

"H-Hi... K-Kacchan," he stammers, inspecting his favourite red shoes carefully. It was a recent pair he'd started wearing since some kind Beta had handed them down to him. "Can I..."

He barely looks up from his hunched position, one that made him look smaller than he actually was. Bakugo breaks out of his trance to move out of the doorway, no longer looking at the Omega and instead looking at everywhere around his room. Did he like what he saw? Had he even seen it?

Why was he so nervous?!

"I-I... Someone said you were busy all day..."

He finishes off lamely, and Bakugo had no choice but to answer back, that stupid, awkward nerd! "Had shit to do. Ya know... deals with other mafias and stuff..."

And now the awkwardness fed of onto Bakugo damn it, he has been influenced by the nerd way too much!

"Need anything, Deku?" he grunts, stretching his back slightly. The ironed shirt he wore was now crinkled and untucked, absent of tie, which was currently slung over his chair. 

"N-No! I just..."

He could see Deku trying to calm whatever nerves he had, the colour in his face blossoming a little. For a moment, Bakugo remembers the pink Sakura trees when he was younger. How strange had this dumb Omega make him feel?

"I want to... th-thank you."

Bakugo plops himself down onto his bed, a little flutter tickling underneath his ribcage, somewhere in his lungs. Despite trying to change and everything that had happened, he couldn't help but gloat in the fact that the Omega that had tried so hard to make him look a monster but at last admits that everything he'd done for him had no evil intention. Maybe that's why he stopped asking the servants if the scary Alpha throws away any uneaten food?

"For?" he asks, but the cockiness in his voice made his oblivious act pointless. This even seemed to take Deku out of his shy stance, daring to make eye contact with crimson.

"F-For everything," he grumbles, his chest puffing ever so slightly, arms folding over his chest. When did his breasts get so- "Eyes up here!"

Bakugo couldn't help it.

His cheeks go red.

He clenches his teeth, shame filling him as he was the one to rip his eyes out of that emerald stare, trying to concentrate on his lap for a moment.

What happened to his snarky remarks? His retorts and coy smirk, or cunning grin as he lays back with his brows raised in question and amusement? Did he seriously blush and not say anything?

It fed off to Deku as well, who flushes a darker shade of blush and almost losing his footing, taking a few steps back to put a little distance between him and Bakugo. That was fair.

"What do you mean 'everything'?" he presses on, although this time it was a little more sincere. He did want to know what Deku actually thought of the grave, and the entire set-up. He did consider getting Sakura trees in there as well, although instantly dismissed the idea. They couldn't grow with the kind of top soil they had anyway.

Deku sighs, but not out of reluctance. An emotional release, to stop the tears from swelling in his eyes because he'd probably cried enough already. "What you did for..."

He swallows heavily.

"F-For Ochako," and he tears up again, "I-I can never thank you... e-enough for it! I-I love it s... so much! Y-You don't..."

"I do," he mumbles, but with a tenderness. "I get it."

He could see that curious spark. "Why-"

"No," he bites back firmly, those pencil-thin lips instantly pressing shut. "Not yet."

And Deku understood. It wasn't obvious, but Bakugo could tell that he did like an instinct.

A pause.

"Y-You've been... n-nothing but nice to me, K-Kacchan! E-Even if I don't have a home to go to..."

There was an ache in his heart, where a hole lay, for Izuku. He could empathise, and understood the pain Izuku felt to an emotional level.

"I'm h-happy here!"

And there he was, smiling. But a smile Bakugo would never forget.

A teary-eyed smile. One with so much light in those irises that they alone could relight that night sky. His lips strain from being so upturned, just short of reaching his ears, and his teeth shine like polished pearls, the colour in his cheeks further highlighting those freckled cheeks. And shit, a fucking dimple?! Right there, on the bottom of his cheek, besides the trail of freshly-fallen tears. Happy tears. Just happy tears.

"Thank you, Kacchan," he whispers.

And he doesn't stutter.

"C'mere," Bakugo mumbles again, his arms outstretching. He could read Deku like a book, with the way he wavers on the spot, afflicted on whether to go to the Alpha or stay standing. But now he walks over, sniffling a little as he sits on top of Bakugo's lap, curling into that shirt with his head buried snuggly into that chest, continuing to cry a little. It was an emotional roller coaster for the both of them, but it was nice to find some solid ground and a comforting breather along the way.

Bakugo doesn't point out his damp shirt, nor the fact that the Omega kept smelling his shirt. Certainly not the fact that the Omega's scent had changed to something a little different, and yet so familiar and addictive at the same time.

He simply lives in the moment.

Loving the moment.

'At least I have someone who understands...'


Man I am so wholesome! Two updates in one week! Well mostly cuz I love this book so much!

This is a shorter chapter though, and with reason. We've got s**t going down soon, and I hope y'all are ready for it!!!

Be potates!


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