The Silence

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That was all Izuku could feel when he woke up.

Plain rage.

At Kacchan.

At Bakugo.

At Katsuki!

Most thought it was because his first heat was spent alone, and that Izuku had really wanted the boss to be that special person, hence why he was having a mood swing. Others figured it was something more primal, and that he was disappointed for not becoming pregnant with his own pups to bear.

But it has been a week and, still, the Omega refuses to take even one step outside. Such assumptions weren't at all the case...

Through his entire preheat experience, before he completely lost his mind, he remembered everything that had happen.

And he was so glad to be alive and so glad to find out the Alpha had just escaped with a permanent scar and a coma.

But that didn't at all make it any better!

Why couldn't Bakugo have just used domination to end the fight?! That was all there really was to it! Force the two Alphas into submission before laying another finger on him!

He could still feel those hands around his neck, suffocating and making him choke for breath. Then the dick who dared to get close to him, touching him in a way that make him feel like an object. It was sick! Horrible! And, worse of all, that stare eyeing him over, fantasising about things that Izuku couldn't even think about without gagging! All the while, Bakugo just watched, as if he were a spectacle for amusement, so defenceless from his bound position, not at all getting angry! Just staring in fear, like a fucking coward,!

What happened to that other Alpha?! The one who was a monster, who selfishly robbed from the poor and lived a life of wealth and luxury, forcing others to do his dirty work and looking down on everyone, vicious at combat, sparing and feeling sympathy for no one?! The one who had no emotions and only cared for himself, expecting everything to go his way and that kindness was a sin?! It was all a fucking mirage and the real Bakugo just had to be stupid, kind-hearted and caring! Of course it was! And even Shigaraki, the worst of them all, seemed to feed on this!

Why couldn't Bakugo hate him?! Why couldn't he hate Bakugo?! Why couldn't they just hate each other and go about their days, because only then would Bakugo not have been hurt and it wouldn't have escalated so far!

He had barely held a restrain on himself from pouncing onto Shigaraki when he started showing off his own poisonous scent. Hell, he would never have forgiven himself if he found out the first person he'd ever spent his heat with was the villain who had made him suffer for those long ten years! And all because Kacchan couldn't find it in him to use his domination, for fear of hurting his precious Omega! All because he was scared, that the useless Omega had injured himself! That Deku was going to get hurt by his scent, or that his heat was making him weaker than he already is!

That he can't just... suck it up and fight like everyone else was!

But he couldn't fucking help.

Not one bit.

Because he was an Omega.


It was Tsu, of course, coming in to check up on him. She's been doing that for the past few days since he'd gotten back, tending to the little flesh wounds and scrapes he'd received when fighting the blonde Alpha, attempting to rub a few creams to his stomach to sooth his cramps. That, Izuku always did himself. He was a little bit... defensive, at the moment. Even now, he still violently flinches when anything comes in contact with his skin.

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