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Izuku readies himself, sliding his leg back to get into a proper fighting stance.

The moment was here.

The time to put his training from both Bakugo and his own hard work into play.

This was their last training session. Tomorrow, they'd be heading off, getting ready to save Todoroki and Yaoyorozu, who Izuku had finally figured the formal name of, from the prison that they were trapped in. Throughout most of yesterday, Izuku trained harder, the muscles on his calves getting noticeably bigger. He found it amusing how he'd gained quite a bit of weight and, after taking off his shirt and looking himself in the mirror, he saw the slight curves of his biceps and the formation of very light details over his abdomen. His breasts, as well, had grown noticeably bigger. He had a hunch, however, that his breasts wouldn't get as large as those on females would. His ribs prominently stuck out as well. And, to add to those insecurities, his skin still looked sickly pale, blotched with bruises.

But, for a moment, he was somewhat satisfied with his figure.

"Give it your best shot, Deku!" he sneers, which only kindles the fire further. Izuku grits his teeth in determination, clenching his hands further as his head buzzes with a billion thoughts, prepared to seize the opportunity to land a blow on the Alpha.

'A dummy punch,' he thought to himself. 'I'll pretend to punch him and kick him instead.'

But he didn't get a chance to perform his attack. Bakugo instantly manoeuvres himself behind Izuku, now in a perfect position to hit him. He, instead, grabs Izuku's wrist, slowly twisting it. The Omega whines in pain but, in split seconds, successfully jabs a large chest with his elbow. The moment of catching Bakugo off guard was enough for him to twist his wrist back, spinning around and using his other hand to punch that chest again.

Although the body moves out of the way just in time.

His head wasn't thinking clearly, and he didn't see the opportunity he had to perform his initial strategy. He, instead, focuses on dodging attacks, using his arms to deflect punches and quick reflexes to avoid kicks, feeling himself move further and further back. Bakugo had this predatory glint in his eyes, the slightest of smirks gracing his lips. He takes pleasure in the current situation.

At least, until Izuku moves his right fist at his chest.

This, Bakugo blocks with ease. But he clearly wasn't prepared for the next hit.

Izuku's leg was up, almost at his head height, swinging around at full force, aimed perfectly at the entire right side of his torso. For a moment, Bakugo had held his breath, shock and general awe flooding through him as he concludes on how amazing his Omega was, admiring how sexy his legs were, with every line of muscle and fat he had. God, how long had Izuku been exercising those thighs!?

The leg makes contact with him, but was also stopped by both of the Alpha's hands, which easily stop the contact from causing any damage. Those hands then start to stroke the hamstring of the leg, gently against the plastic-like material, and Izuku instantly jerks his foot back, momentarily off balance and furiously blushing.

"Training hard to impress your Alpha, I see?" Bakugo jokes pridefully. Little did he know who Izuku was really training for.

He doesn't reply, urging the blush out of his cheeks, but felt the wind knock out of his lungs as Bakugo barrels into him, pinning him down on the ground. He was panting now, mostly drained of energy, the final blow leaving his joints and limbs aching. Bakugo, on the other hand, seemed completely fine!

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