The Emergency

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Some time that day, Izuku manages to lock the door. He then made his way to the bathroom, unable to shower himself. It reminded him too much of the Alpha for some strange reason, his skin prickling and stomach twisting. Instead, he looks himself in the foot-long mirror that displayed his entire body back to him.

It held no mercy in covering up the faults that his figure was burdened to carry.

Izuku feels his arms self-consciously fold over his chest in a naïve attempt on concealing the sickening reality. What was really there. He could see that his normally pale and clammy skin was flushed with the slightest red tint, almost as if he had blisters across his skin. He knew it was the Alpha's doing. His damn arms held little to no flesh, all of it being transferred as either energy or the fat left in his thighs and cheeks. He hated the anorexic figure of his body, displaying his poverty with see-through skin.

Then what also marks his skin - the burns and the bruises and the scars of hardly-healed gashes. He remembers blocking a knife slice from Ochako, instead taking the large cut to his shoulder. It stung like a bitch, easily penetrating the thin muscle there. Izuku was almost certain it had cut to his bone.

Insecurity overwhelms him, consumes the back of his mind, jeers at what he saw. Which wasn't pleasant - he didn't like it. Every bruise from his nightmares on the streets were flaws he was forced to carry. He wasn't sure if they'd ever fade, even if their colour turns to that of ash.

'How did the Alpha even look at me?'

So he stands there, the monster of degradation tearing him apart on the inside, wishing nothing more than to be born differently.


Izuku was allowed, this time, to dress in his own clothes. Or, at least, he figured as such when no Tsu came inside to help him dress into whatever waste of money and material and labour he had to wear as per orders of the Alpha. Day five of his stay, and he was still hating every second of it. He found himself longing to get outside of the confining walls of his room but, all the same, he felt incredible fury when remotely in the radius of Bakugo or his dorm. Even just thinking about it made his blood pump with rage: forced into that bath tube and almost wrestled down, his Omega craving the touch of the Alpha like a slut to it's master.

It also gave more disgust for him to spoon-feed to himself.

He'd opted for an oversized cardigan and a white cotton t-shirt, paired with some pants and thick socks that warmed his feet almost magically. The latté seemed to further encourage the warmth to flood through his body.

It was some time in the middle of the day when the Omega had heard some large commotion outside. It wasn't like the usual noise he'd gotten familiar with. Lo, it was more frantic and...

Izuku could smell it.

A primal instinct deep within him could sense it in the air.

His ears sharpen, picking up on anxious whimpers.

There was panic.

He opens his door, watching as servants rush down, murmuring to one another. "Emergency" is what they whisper to one another, and Izuku had figured that something grave had happened. Although a part of him wanted to not care for the sake of anyone's well-being in that household, his curiosity and somewhat concern had gotten the better of him, and he starts to move with the larger bodies of Beta servants. Some stare in surprise, others glower, but he passes through them without acknowledging anyone, hoping to find Tsu.

It had only then hit him that, maybe, something had happened which concerned his fellow Omegas. Another eloping incident, perhaps, to which Izuku would gladly take care of the woman or girl who'd gotten hurt.

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