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I've read all your comments from the last chapter! Thank you all, you've thoroughly made my day :D


Both Bakugo and Izuku carefully bring the two hostages out from their prison, holding them close as they shiver in the bitter cold. Their lack of clothing made their survival a miracle - if any of them had realised the depriving conditions sooner, Bakugo would've scheduled the rescue days ago! Maybe, quite simply, he didn't take it seriously enough.

But, then again, he didn't also expect the ability of the attackers - they weren't at all strong! Probably some thugs by the roadside! He didn't dare want to think how such low-life bastards had gotten Candy Cane in such a state. However, this isn't anything he hasn't seen before - he barely flinched at their dishevelled conditions and moved with a lack of any hesitance or shock.

Izuku, on the other hand, lagged behind a little. It was a good thing realisation didn't quite hit him yet, but an all too familiar feeling had gathered in the pit of his stomach. A feeling he had felt many days before, when the announcement of Ochako's death had reached his ears. A deep protective instinct had swallowed him whole, despite the absolute terror that made him tremble.

"K-Kacchan..." he splutters out, stiffly edging his way along, "A-Are we going the r-right way?"

Bakugo pauses, seemingly thinking about the route he chose to take, but he doesn't move, carefully forming an answer.

"Stupid Deku. Fuckin' breathe like a normal human. Maybe we can actually get them back before they die."

Aggressive and insensitive as it was, Izuku got what the Alpha was trying to say, standing up a little stronger and moving a little quicker. The terror had only slightly simmered down, but enough to get him up to pace with Bakugo's slower stride. It also came to his attention that, despite the obvious limp, Bakugo still ensured to carry Todoroki on his back.

"Fuckin' hell! They're light as air!"

Climbing up the stairs was the hardest bit and, even though his training and the layers of thin muscle he had developed, Izuku could notice that Bakugo was attempting to take all of Yaoyorozu's weight. Occasionally, Izuku would feel a bit more of the weight on his shoulders but, otherwise, he could tell what the Alpha was doing.

And he can't help feeling... grateful for it.

There was an obvious exit up ahead - a whole had literally been blown through the wall. Only then did Izuku realise that Jiro was giving instructions from surveillance, a slight anxiety picked up through her tone of voice. Bakugo's was completely void of any.

"We're all out, boss," Kirishima's voice comes through, and Izuku breathes in a cooling pocket of relieving air.

"Get supplies ready - we need stretchers."

The behaviour of the Alpha was peculiar. He has this way of... caring and having emotions, but being completely against showing it. His mouth was filthy, but those arms handle his advisors with delicacy. He'd even helped calm Izuku down, subtle as it was. And yet, still, the insults stuck with Izuku. He wasn't thick or stupid and, by God, he hated that dumb nickname!

The knot didn't seem to get any looser.

"Shit we should've gotten a blanket!" Sero hisses between his teeth, whilst Bakugo and Izuku carefully place Yaoyorozu and Todoroki onto their stretchers. Iida sucks in a sharp breath, Kirishima and Kaminari exchanging silent glances.

"A-Are we clear?" Jiro asks, still waiting back at the van.

"Yeah," Bakugo grumbles back in a split second, no one else seemingly wanting to answer. "We're all heading back now."

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