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"Shigaraki's asked for a fight," Bakugo announces, and the look he gives across the room was enough for others to know that this fight was it. The long-time conflict between Bakugo and Shigaraki was finally being resolved, and either they save those imprisoned by the toxic mafia, or suffer becoming slaves. So yes, everyone shudders in fear.

Bakugo found difficulty in saying such weighted words, but he only squeezes harder on the hand beside him. The small, soft hand. It doesn't squeeze back - just attempts to rub circles on the back of his hand.

It was nice to see a full table again. Yaoyorozu had to come to the meeting in crutches since one of her legs had healed faster than the other, and needed a chair, as she couldn't stand for prolonged periods. She was, after all, a healthy and mature Alpha. Kaminari still had scabs and bruising on his face, but he looked mostly okay. His smile had practically recharged back to its bright radiance and he and Kirishima had returned to their domestic and sickly romantic actions. Public actions. But not at the moment - not when the situation had dropped to something serious.

"We need a plan," he grumbles, "Before they attack."

And it's true. The state Bakugo had returned to the manor in earlier that day was enough to suggest that the war had already started.

"D-Do we have a deadline?" Iida asks, his posture a little stiffer than usual. On edge.

"Tomorrow," Bakugo answers. "We need something by tomorrow the latest."

An eerie silence succumbs the room. What were they supposed to do? They'd all figured this was inevitable, but had all secretly hoped it would never happen. Maybe it could be delayed a little more if Bakugo didn't go that day? Maybe they could've waited for another attack before confronting Shigaraki? But it was happening. That could only mean pain and... and death.

"We should get a group preparing," Todoroki suggests. "As many Alphas and Betas as we can get. I'm sure most will join."

"Yeah," Mina agrees, "I'm sure we will get a large enough army! We've got a whole room of weapons!"

Bakugo could feel the body beside him tense. He knew what the Omega was thinking, and he didn't want to disappoint.

"We won't be killing anyone."

Every pair of eyes stare at him in disbelief.

"Are you insane?!" Kaminari exclaims first.

"Yeah sorry Bakugo," Sero grimaces, "But how are we supposed to prevent a massacre if we can't kill anyone?"

"Idiots," Bakugo hisses, "I'm not saying don't use your weapons! Use them, or even domination for fuck sake! But don't kill anyone!"

Izuku noticeable relaxes beside him and somewhere, beneath the table, the hands lace together.

"Okay, no killing anyone - got it! But we still don't have a plan!"

Bakugo passes a powerful glare at Kirishima, silencing his unnecessary question. He faces the rest of his advisors, standing a little straighter.

"We'll have an army training for the rest of today. We'll send a small section out front first - preferably the most prepared. I'll go with them. That way we can intercept and alert the others back here if the attack has started. We can send a second section out around a week later - a more larger one. We need safety in numbers and they can use that time to train more. The others can remain at the manor on guard, in case they find a way to sneak past our defence. I don't think it's likely."

His eyebrows crease together as he thinks whether he'd missed anything else out. Perhaps a route, or a place where they could set a base up, or areas scouts need to patrol. But that was not important. What was important was that everyone here got an assigned role.

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