The Plan

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At last, the Alpha had left Izuku to his own thoughts.

As well as a final thought.

"We're gonna have a meeting to save Icy Hot. Go change and come to the main hall before 10."

By God, Izuku wanted to go! He liked Todoroki more than anyone else here!

And he wanted to save him. Protect him. He wanted him to be okay because...


Did he want Todoroki to be his mate? His Alpha? The one that he wanted to bear pups for and raise a family with? His instincts certainly weren't against the idea, but would he want pups with similar dainty features like Todoroki has? Would Todoroki always come home to look after Izuku whenever he went into heat, help make a comfortable nest and use his sweet, minty scent to ease him? Was he really considering a future with Todoroki?!


Yes he was.

Yes, he was completely in adoration for the idea, and would love it more than being in the position he was in right n-


Of course...

He belonged to Bakugo, and everyone knew that.

And no one, besides Izuku, was foolish enough to defy an Alpha who could literally force you into submission and make someone else slice your throat off.

Or, at least, that's what he'd overheard the servants saying.

Needless to say, he still had a chance of saving the heterochromatic Alpha - Bakugo even offered it himself! But what perplexed Izuku the most was why.

Why would Bakugo allow Izuku to help save another Alpha?

This was the first action the Alpha had performed that Izuku couldn't physically understand the purpose of. There weren't any obvious alternative motives or genuine reasons Izuku could match with the hot-headed mafia leader.

He tries to drop the thought, though it still bothered him. He now felt an eye short, blind to the other half of the world behind him.

Izuku arrives at the main hall on time, now fully dressed into a silk shirt and some black smart trousers. It still dwarfed his skimpy figure but did well to hide the bruises under his skin. His feet also adorned some horribly short boots, even such a small size being a few too large for Izuku. He wished he didn't have to be so short. He wished he... ate more food when he had the chance.

Behind him, the giant wooden doors open and then close, signaling that someone had entered the room. Judging by the strong odour that Izuku was slowly getting used to, it was Bakugo.

"Deku," he hears the deep voice grunt out, and it took him a while to realise that 'Deku' was his new name. He was already learning to loathe it.

"What?" he replies back with a hint of arrogance, puffing his small chest up to try and save himself some pride.

Bakugo smirks in response.

"Your nipples show nicely in that shirt!"

And now Izuku is stuck.

He didn't know whether to be angry or embarrassed.

So he ends up doing a mixture of both. He blushes furiously, making a move to cover his chest as he recalls the events of last night, gritting his teeth and releasing bitter pheromones as he keeps some distance between the Alpha. He would rip that scent gland if he could. Make sure the Alpha can never have a mate or the pleasure of truly bonding with someone. He saw no reason for the Alpha to have such a luxury. Maybe rip out his throat whilst he's at it.

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