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So... wait...

Bakugo? Made peace? Between hate that literally killed the inferior?

How is that even possible?

Izuku hoped Kirishima was talking about the same Bakugo who'd allowed Omegas to starve to death and separated him from his mother and everything he'd known, then provide great hostility to him.


He reflects back for a moment.

Upon his arrival, Izuku had been cleaned off all the layers of grim and soot he'd built over the years. His hair, once wiry and a complete mess, was now still a mess, but much more silky and generally pleasant to touch. He was given his own guest room, with a large bed and soft linen sheets that were a total contrast to his burlap attire. He was fed amply and had access to the luxury of a clean, warm shower, all kinds of soaps and oils, and a hairbrush. He'd even been given the time now to go wherever he wanted. His physique, though not thick like the other Omegas, had gained some plumpness, his cheeks getting rounder and with it revealed a few more freckles that splatter across his nose. He was more shocked to find that he could no longer feel his femur from the back of his thigh.

Was he really a prisoner? Whilst he knew it was unjust, the fact that he wasn't faced with much discrimination here made it better than the cigar fumes he inhales and the feet that land on his feeble body every day back on the streets. Did he... like it here?

"W-Wait," he stammers, shaking his head as if to clear his thoughts, "Are you telling me Kacchan is the one who stopped o-one of the most..." he pauses to find the word, "Discriminative issues in history?!"

Kirishima covers his mouth with a large hand, cackling quietly into it.

"S-Sorry! I-I can't quite get over the whole 'Kacchan' thing!"

And then Izuku realised.

And the slightest of blushes kisses his cheeks.

"You know," he says, laughter dying down as he pushes himself off the bookshelf, folding his arms, "The boss hates nicknames! He sent Sero to the infirmary once 'cause he cracked a gnarly punch at his jaw."

Izuku winces, remembering the hard punch Kirishima had given his mate when they'd first met. A punch harder than that, to crack bone? And of another dominant Alpha, nonetheless!

Bakugo could quite literally shatter him.

"Ha! Took him like... six weeks before he stopped attacking us every time we called him 'Bakubro'! Then another eight months before he stopped yelling at us! But..."

His gleeful face turns into something fond. Soft. Kind.

And, for a moment, Izuku saw no deceiving within such a humble Alpha.

"I feel like he's smitten for you!"

And that moment was over!

"Wh-What do you mean?" he demands, with an ounce of offence.

"I mean," Kirishima continues, "You literally shouted at one of his meetings whilst he was giving a plan, bro! No one has ever done that before! And he didn't do shit to you when you started laughing at him! You should've taken a one-way ticket to hospital! Yet he didn't touch you!"

And Izuku knew that was a lie.

Bakugo touched him. He threatened him. Groped him. Pleasured him in private places. Made him feel weird. Then he'd shoved his dick in his mouth. All for walking into a place that he had no knowledge of existing!

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