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Izuku tried not to be hurt when he wakes up in an empty bed. Again.

Bakugo was a busy man. Of course he wouldn't stay until the morning. Leading an entire mafia certainly wasn't easy. He certainly couldn't expect so much from him, considering they weren't entirely on friendly terms yet. Izuku still held a grudge against him, and the answered questions only open up his curiosity, exposed to the known unknown.

He could feel a depression sinking in. Something painful, or sour, like smoke curling in his lungs. But he forces himself out of bed, groaning at the headache that drilled through his temples. Perhaps he'd finally been given the solace of a good sleep?

He looks into the mirror whilst he unbuttons the cotton nightshirt off his figure, scrutinizing his figure both admirably and critically. The affects of his delayed developing stages were showing through. The scent gland on his neck has swollen - subtly so, in contrast to the not-swollen left side of his neck. His lack of exercise has caused his arms to get slightly skinnier - what would Gran Torino think when he finally sees him at the gym next time? Then there were his breasts. He'd seen a few bras left in the cupboard and needs to start getting into the habit of wearing them because those mounds were almost large enough for him to cup with his hands. 

It was scary to think he would be going into heat scarily soon - with an Alpha he didn't like all that much, nonetheless.

Unless he could escape him. So far, he'd turned down every available opportunity he had to run away, especially on that rescue mission. He'd like to think he was smarter, and that he was actually feigning obedience. Fooling others into believing that he was loyal, only to later stab them in the back by abandoning them, which they deserve for being such prudent, snobby "royalties" who look down and don't bother lifting a finger for others.

And, unless, he could learn to like the Alpha. It wasn't a possibility that had crossed his mind until last night, where he saw a completely different person. Never had he thought he'd see one of the most ferocious Alphas at such a vulnerable state, let alone reveal something so personal. He still wanted to know why Kacchan chose to oversee the deprivation on the streets, and a part of him hoped that whatever reason it may be was understandable. But he couldn't ever think of a reason valid enough to make everything okay.

He drops his thoughts, looking for something comfortable to wear that could cover as much skin as possible. He wasn't feeling all to confident in his own body today, so sticks with some sweatpants and a zip-up grey hoodie. It was comfortable, and still loose on him, and he can't help slumping back into his bed, closing his eyes and drifting to a light sleep.

He hadn't realised it was the remains of the Alpha's scent in the sheet that had lured him in.


It happens again.

Another brash manoeuvre by the Alpha.

It had been just over two weeks since his last encounter and, suddenly now, he's being wrestled out of the library, his mouth roughly covered (to allow him to breathe), the book he'd picked up laying dejected on the floor. It certainly had spiked his anxiety, and the scent of arousal had caught him off guard.  It made his mind race even further, panic screaming like sirens in his head, fearing that the Alpha was no longer in control, and that he might do unspeakable things.

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