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The day of Sero's funeral.

The air was thick with mourning, sniffles resonating like echoes in a cavern.

There wasn't a body left to bury, the empty casket lowered six feet under. No one would ever be able to see him again - not while his limbs remained strewn across the battlefield, mingled among others.

But only Izuku, Katsuki and a few others knew this.

Everyone else was under the delusion that a small piece of Sero remained inside.

The only part of him that they could truly talk to is the framed photo of him with his signature grin, a splodge of ice cream dotted on his nose. The sparkle in his eyes was even captured within that little snapshot.

Various others were having their burial later in the week.

But Sero's was today.

Everyone attended.

Sero meant a lot to everyone. He was no fighter, but was certainly the man supporting others behind the scenes, finding non-violent ways to attack people with. His personality is something that never sours, though he does tend to take the piss out of people, and he was always so understanding. So considerate to others, but never pressures others. He always seemed to know exactly what they need.

Whilst the people around the coffin move to push dirt into the hole with great shovels, others work on the headstone, creating a foundation as well as a heartfelt message. Their eyes were too blurry to read it.

Once the process was over, Bakugo stands tall, clearing his throat loud enough to draw everyone's attention.

"We have a service at three. It'll be in the hall."

Ten minutes pass before the space is a little clearer, and Izuku now had a better view of the tombstone, and the sea of flowers and gifts and paper cranes that surrounded it. There were various messages as well, some more personal and lengthy than others. Still, it was overwhelming to see it all. Someone he physically knew was gone.


And it left a hole behind in all of their hearts.

Mina was quiet. Izuku watched with pained eyes as she stares at the stone on her knees, mumbling something under her breath. He was glad to see that, despite the endless flow of tears, Mina was laughing to herself. Maybe having a conversation with Sero as if he were really there. No doubt she would return there regularly.

His eyes avert to Kirishima and Kaminari, crouched but not holding hands. No, at that moment, it wasn't about their love for each other, but for Sero. So there was no comforting each other as they have an honest conversation with their friend, who had always been a part of their trio since before the two had got together. Hell, he was the wing man, and without him nothing would have happened!

Finally, they move to Katsuki.

His voice didn't tremble when he made the announcement. Lo, it was steady, perfectly veiling what his eyes failed to. His chest was puffed up, breathing a little shallow. And Izuku understood him, because he did better than anyone else.

Katsuki was forcing himself not to cry, and not be weak.

Izuku tugs on his sleeve, signalling to Katsuki that he was about to leave and, as he pulls the sleeve along with his strides, he's faced with little resistance. The Alpha follows him as he moves to a little space far away from the cemetery, towards the place where Ochako lay peacefully. There, the two collapse on the ground, Izuku sitting on Katsuki's lap with his legs wrapped around the large torso, and his arms pulling the weakened head into his chest.

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