The Manor

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Izuku was sure that his bottom lip had gone through the floor at the sight of the institute the limo had turned in to. And as if the limo wasn't classy enough!

There were grand metal black gates, swinging inwards to welcome the limo to what Izuku couldn't mistake as anything but a palace. The walls surrounding him were of white cement, stretching out as far as his bright eyes could see, and curve somewhere behind the daunting building in front of him. He still couldn't fathom how huge it was! It must've been four floors tall, plus the basement underneath the building. And, God, he couldn't take his eyes off the ivory-coloured walls, black ink swirling as it outlines balconies and window frames, patterns and carvings etched into the giant oak doors he was walking towards. His breath hitches.

The limo stops at the entrance, and he followed in tow after Kirishima and Kaminari as they clamber out, the couple too engrossed in bickering about something to keep a close-enough eye on Izuku, who's already walking ahead. He eyes the floor, cleaned and polished cobblestone that felt smooth and cool beneath his shredded feet. It was a vast change from the gravelly, dirty ground at 'home', with the equivalence of having the soles of your feet scrubbed with a grater. From his spot on the floor, his eyes gaze over the vines creeping along the towering walls around him, the tall hedges that had been perfectly shaped, the blossoming white flowers - which he could easily identify as jasmines - and the several sections of lawn, the grass pigmented with an unnatural but lush green.

'Wish you could see this, Ochako,'  he thinks.

There was a fountain placed in the centre. It spouts water, and Izuku felt a pinch of envy when he sees the endless stream pour into the basin, his head already imagining how many people it could feed, or how many could wash or bathe in it. The remaining water in his own system coats his mouth, and he has to refrain from whining or drooling or doing anything embarrassing, though it was getting harder with his desperate need to spring under the gushing water and satisfy his thirst. Damn his brain for imagining the cool water swirling in his stomach!

He's forced to swallow and remain satisfied with his own warm, thick saliva, though his tongue begged nonetheless.

"I... I c-can't... wh-wha..."

Izuku was truly speechless for the first time in his life, and without an Alpha laying a finger on him. Despite every fibre in him hating how overly-expensive and extravagant and... heavenly everything looked, he couldn't bring himself to hate it. Quite frankly, he felt honoured for being able to look at such a thing! And out of place, too. Damn it, Izuku didn't know if he wanted to take another step, because he feared what would happen if he dared to even tainted the cobblestones he was standing on! There he was, standing bare-footed, covered in a thick layer of dirt, wrapped in worn, 'white' linen strips from below his collar bones to mid-thigh, and a cut-out old potato sack he started wearing - malnutrition and dehydration had caused him to be freezing constantly, even during the heat of the current summer months. Luckily, the sack was large enough to conceal his shoulders and the entire length of his short legs. One of the only perks of him being a starved and abused Omega.

"Eh, you'll get used to it," Kaminari says, striding beside the Omega and folding his arms, "But I remember being like that the first time coming here!"

That make Izuku turn towards him, a curious expression gracing his face. "How long have you been here for?"

Kaminari visibly ponders for a minute, bringing his fingers to his chin and softly stroking it. "Well, I was first brought here when I was eight! Started a little bit like you, 'cause I was taken in from the streets by the boss, so that means... ten years!"

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