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Thanks for reading everyone!! I hope you guys enjoy this next chapter! I promise you lots of Joshaya in this chapter!

"This can't be good for your shoulder," Josh stated later on that night after their activities as they were laying in bed together.

"Well the doctor did say that I would have to go through thorough physical therapy, I find this to be just a different kind," Maya replied.

"Funny," Josh told her as she giggled a little. "What about your ribs?" He asked.

"You worry too much," Maya stated.

"Obviously you don't worry enough." He answered her.

Maya was laying down on her back as Josh was laying on his side facing her. He leaned his head against his fist as his elbow was propping him up on the bed. He lifted his free hand and gently moved a piece of Maya's hair out of her face and behind her ear.

Maya closed her eyes at his touch. She didn't understand how he could still be attracted to her with the way she looked. With all the bruises on her face and body. But once they had gotten to the bedroom, he had turned very gentle with her and didn't once try and hurt her by going deeper or harder.

"What is this?" Josh suddenly asked her, causing her to open her eyes back up and look at him. "Us, I mean. What are we now? I know that you said you love me, but we haven't been very clear about getting back together."

"I would like to think that this isn't just a fling for the next three months-"

"Of course not." Josh cut her off. "Or at least I don't feel that way."

"Neither do I," Maya said. "But I don't want us to go back to the way we were the last time we were together. I mean when things were good, we were great. But those last couple of months of our relationship, I wish to God we could erase."

"I don't want us to miss this second chance," Josh whispered. "Even if that means I have to transfer out."

"I couldn't let you do that," Maya told him. "You love being the leader of this unit, and the team loves you too much to get used to someone else."

"Well, I certainly wouldn't want you to transfer." Maya opened her mouth to protest, but he cut her off. "Not for the reasons that you think," Maya stated at him before relaxing again. "I just mean that this unit is much more than just a job to you. Everyone on the team you've formed bonds and relationships with. You aren't the type of person that can just go from one unit to another and be fine. Besides, you've known these guys way longer than I have, it just wouldn't be fair to you."

Maya leaned up as much as she could without hurting herself, and Josh leaned down the rest of the way as he realized what she was trying to do. Their lips met in a much slower, sweeter kiss before she pulled back and relaxed against the bed again.

"We've got three months before we have to worry about this. So let's put that on the back burner for now, God knows we have so much more to deal with." She told him, but Josh could see in her eyes how grateful she was to him.

"We ever going to talk about what happened earlier?" He asked her. Maya sighed.

"I was hoping that we could just forget about it," Maya stated.

"No. That wouldn't be healthy. I told you I wanted us to do things right this time around. The last time we were together, it got to where we just buried things down and took out our frustrations in sex. And as good as the sex is, I don't want us to fall back into the toxicity we let ourselves fall into in the first place." He explained.

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