Boiling Point

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Hey guys! Sorry for the wait. Hope you guys enjoy this chapter!

Farkle was there. He was dressed in a suit and tie just like everyone else was in the building. Maya let her eyes wonder casually over the rest of the guests, trying not to let herself look suspicious.

She found Zay in the left corner of the room, Lucas was by one of the exits talking to someone casually as if he fit into all of this. Mia was there, too. And at last, as Maya continued to look everywhere, she found him.

Josh was standing by the stage where the live classical band was playing. Maya felt a fluttering come up in her heart. He looked good. He was also dressed in his black suit and tie. His hair was as messy as ever, as if he had been running his hands through it all night out of stress. But damn he looked good.

Then her heart suddenly went down into her stomach. What were they doing here? Why were they here? This was too dangerous, they shouldn't be here.

"I thought you said that you weren't going to involve my team?" Maya asked Michael, trying to keep her voice in a casual tone. Michael sighed.

"I have my reasons. You just keep by David and stick to your cover. You don't know them, you've never seen or met them before. Keep as subtle as you can or else you're dead." Michael told her. Maya swallowed hard. She looked back over at Josh, and he looked up, and just like that there eyes met.

"Hey!" Michael snapped at her in a hushed whisper. Maya broke eye contact with with Josh to look over at him. "What did I just say? If you keep looking at him like that, David is going to notice and that's the end of me and you. And don't think that just because we're in this thing together that I'm going to take a bullet for you. Because I'm not giving my life for your stupidity." Maya glared at him as he walked away.

Maya didn't risk another glance back at Josh before she turned around and walked back to where David was. If he had noticed the way she looked at Josh, he didn't show it. He was still in a very much heated conversation with one of the people that Maya guessed he had worked with before.

As soon as she had gotten by David's side his arm came around her and pulled her into his side. Maya wrapped an arm around his waist and lifted her water cup to her lips to drink. She knew she was supposed to be listening to anything that David may say that might jump out at her, but her mind was clearly elsewhere.

"You seem distant." David's breath tickled her ear. Maya felt her heart drop. She looked up at him and smiled slightly.

"I'm alright. It's all just a bit overwhelming. I'm not used to stuff like this." Maya told him. David smiled slightly at her as he leaned down and slightly kissed her. He pulled away just enough to stare in her eyes.

"You'll get used to it." There was a cough follows by someone clearing their throat. Maya and David looked up and Maya felt a course of emotions go through her. Josh standing in front of them and staring them down.

"Hello." David smiled politely at him. "You look familiar. Have we met before?" He asked him as he held out his hand for Josh to shake. But Josh didn't shake his hand, nor did he smile back. Maya tried her best to keep her face neutral, Josh had not even glanced at her.

"It's possible." Josh commented. "Does the name Carrie Pierson ring a bell?" Maya felt her blood run cold. The smile on David's face disappeared completely.

"Who wants to know?" David asked as he stared Josh down. David pulled Maya further into him, Josh's jaw twitched but gave no other indication that he noticed or cared.

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