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Hey everyone! You guys are so freaking amazing and I dont think that I talk about how great and wonderful you guys are enough! Thanks for all the love and I appreciate you guys so much!

Maya's movements were almost desperate. And Josh's movements were almost possessive. Neither of them had been able to get their last night out of their heads, and both of them wanting to get their feelings out there for the world to know. Or at least each other.

Maya was clinging onto him like he was her life line, like he was the only thing that was keeping her from going off the deep end. She had tangled her hands in his hair and pressed her body right up against hers. Their lips in a deep lock of passion.

Josh had not hesitated to wrap his arms right around her. One coming to rest in her hair while the other one was placed on her back as he brought her deeper into him. He never wanted to let her go again. She was all he had dreamed about lately, everything that he had wished and prayed for every night, that she would find her way back to him. He wasn't letting her go again. Ever.

"I missed you so much." Maya breathed out as they broke away for some air before going right back in for another kiss. Josh held her tighter as their lips stilled against each others, just taking in the moment of them being in each others arms again. They broke away again, but keeping their foreheads together.

"Dont. Dont go back." Josh sounded desperate as he held her tight. "Stay here. Stay with me."

"I cant. I dont want to go back, but I have to. I'm the only one that can stop this." Maya told him, she was so desperate to just be with Josh.

"They can find someone else. Anyone else." Josh stated as he leaned in and kissed her again. Maya kissed him back before pulling back again.

"I'm already too far in. I have to finish this." She told him. Josh sighed and kissed her again before dropping his head into the crook of her neck and pulling her closer into a really right hug.

"I'm going to get you out of there." He breathed against her neck. Shivers went down her spine. "I promise. I'm going to crack this thing and I'm going to get you out of this." He told her. Maya didn't even care that he was being protective. She wanted to forget everything that she's seen and heard over the last two months. Part of her just wanting to run away and hide with Josh forever.

"I dont have to go back until four." Maya told him. "Until then, will you please just, just stay with me?" She asked him. Her tone of voice was shaky. As if she was on the urge of crying. Maya had never liked being vulnerable, which is how Josh knew that she was truly scared and hurting right now.

"What has he done, Maya?" Josh asked her. Partly scared of that answer.

"Nothing to me yet. But I've seen him kill people. I see the way his men are with the women in the house. He's trying to get me to do drugs. I'll have to eventually do something with him so he doesnt get suspicious." Maya answered truthfully. "I had to kiss him."

Josh felt anger surge through him as Maya talked agasint his chest. She should have never been put into this situation. How dare Peterson not tell them the truth of what this undercover assigment truly was. How dare he bring Maya into this without her permission, without her knowledge. Josh would get him for this, he will have Peterson's badge for this. As soon as this undercover assignment was over, he was going to the board with this. That was if he didnt kill him first.

Maya lifted her head from Josh's chest and looked up at him. Her hands coming from around his neck to where his dress shirt and tie is. She gripped the collar of his shirt with both hands as Josh held on to her head and back tightly.

Josh's heart broke at the fear that was mixed into her orbs. He leaned down and kissed her again. Maya melted and sighed into the kiss, happy to be back in Josh's arms. Even if it was just for a few hours.

"I need you. Please." Maya begged agasint her lips. Josh reached behind him and pulled the phone off its reciever and dropped it onto the desk so that it was off the hook and would give a busy signal to anyone who tried to reach him. He picked Maya off the ground and cairred her over to his couch. Lowered her to it, and climbed ontop without even breaking the kiss.

"Peterson-listen to me!" Michael yelled over the phone in Smackle's office. Both Smackle and Farkle stared on. "I didnt have a choice. We need to get in there fast! I overheard something big that David is planning and we need to be one step in front of him!"

Farkle narrowed his eyebrows at that statement. Especially when Michael tried to lower his voice so he could speak quietly without Farkle or Smackle being able to hear it.

"Maya seems to think that they will be able to help. Look, I know I dont know her very well, but she's been doing a great job being undercover and has been able to really get inside David's head. It's just a matter of time before he opens up with her and tells her everything that he wont tell us." Michael continued.

"What do you think David is planning?" Smackle asked. Farkle shook his head.

"No idea. But I plan on finding out." Farkle stated as he glared at Michael. He didnt care if he did bring Maya back to them for a few hours and brought them in on the case. He didnt trust him. He was going to take advantage of the fact that he was here right now. Farkle planned on finding out everything he could.

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