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A loud squeal broke everyone out of their trances and Riley plowed her way through Josh and Lucas to get to the blond that was standing at the head of the table.

"Maya!" She exclaimed as she threw her arms around her neck. Maya smiled as she finally had someone familiar in her arms. She sighed in contentment as she had missed her best friends touch so much.

"Riles." She breathed out. "God, you have no idea how much I missed you." Maya told her. The two held each other for a minute or two before they let go and Maya looked up at some of the members of her team. "Sorry for the short notice." She told them as she realized they weren't over the shock of her being here.

"Whats going on?" Farkle asked as him and Smackle walked into the room. Farkle looked ahead and his eyes widened at Maya. "Maya?" He asked as if he couldn't tell if it were real.

"Farkle." Maya smiled, too relieved and happy to come up with a snarky comment. Before she knew it, she was wrapped up in his arms and he was holding her tight.

"I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry. I never should have said the things I did before you left." He had whispered in her ear as he held on to her desperately, like he was afraid that she would disappear. Maya held him  back just as tight.

"Its okay, I'm just glad to see you." Maya told him. Farkle was hesitant to let go, but when he did, he made sure to stay by Maya's side even when the other team were coming to hug her. The only person who seemed to not be able to get over his shock was Josh.

"W-what are you doing here?" He asker her. This was way too dangerous. She shouldn't be here, she could blow her entire cover.

"Well, Michael is the only other one that is undercover with me. He is on Petersons team." Maya told them. It was as if everyone had just noticed the man beside her in the room for the first time. Farkle narrowed his eyes at him.

"Which is where exactly? We've been trying to track the name that you gave us down-but so far we've come up empty." Farkle stated.

"You wont find him." Michael spoke up. "David has done a lot to make sure the FBI wouldn't be able to link him to anything that has been done crime wise. Because what he does is a lot bigger than just a drug operation." Everyone seemed to take quite interest in this.

"What do you mean?" Josh asked. "What else has Maya been placed in?"

"I think maybe you should all sit down." Maya told them. She knew after she explained everything-fireworks were going to go off. Josh and Farkle-they were not going to be happy.

Everyone took a seat at the table except Riley. Lucas had given her a look that told her 'You've seen her, you know she's safe. Now you have to go.' Riley sighed and took Kaylee-who was now asleep-and she strapped her back into her stroller before bidding everyone a goodbye and walking out of the room.

"Okay," Maya started. "David Smith is the owner a big time business corporation in New York City. He does charity events, gives loans to small business's, buys out half of the stock market. He's huge in the City. People love him. But they have to, so he doesnt need to be put in the category of suspects with all the drug shipments coming in." Maya paused before continuing. "And the black market."

"The black market?" Lucas asked in alarm.

"Two weeks before Peterson came to you to ask about Maya coming and doing an undercover job for him," Michael picked up the story, talking directly to Josh. "Peterson and I, we made up a fake identity for Maya and posted it on the black market as a sex trafficking slave."

"You son of a bitch." Farkle had rose from his seat, as did everyone else. It was an uproar as everyone started talking at once, pointing their fingers and yelling at Michael.

"Everyone calm down!" Maya yelled as she rose from her seat and got everyone's attention. "There's more to the story but you have to listen." Maya told them. Everyone hesitantly sat down and glared at Michael as he continued.

"That's why Peterson was so very pushy when it came to getting Maya to go undercover. David found Maya's picture and he wanted her. He bought her."

Maya watched as Josh's fists clenched up as if he wanted to punch Michael right there because he couldn't get to Peterson. She felt a pain in her heart at seeing him for the first time in months, memories of their last night together resurfaced and she found herself wanting to get him alone. She needed to feel him close to her. She didnt care anymore about their past, she didnt care if they were on the same team, in the same district. She needed him to hold her like he used to-she needed to feel him close to her. She needed to forget the sickening feeling it gave her every time she was close to David, the gagging feeling she had when she kissed him. She was almost desperate to be with Josh. She was tired of running from him.

For the next hour, Maya and Michael explained the whole thing to the team. Everything about David, everything about Carrie and what happened to her. Everything that Maya was doing, all about his sex trafficking business, the drugs. The whole team sat there and listened like it was their life line.

"Look, I wasn't sure about doing this at first. But Maya says that you guys would do anything to make sure this guy goes away and his whole business gets shut down. I've been under for two years. Nobody wants Maya to be under for that long, especially you guys. So, we need you working on this case." Michael told them.

"What about Peterson?" Josh asked. He wanted nothing more than to get his hands on him. He wanted to strangle him, but he also knew that for Peterson to be avoiding him for this long, he did not want Josh and his team working on this case.

"Leave Peterson to me. Can I use your phone?" He asked.

"You can use the one in my office. It's untraceable." Smackle told him. Michael nodded and got up to walk with her. Farkle looked hesitant, but he eventually got up to go with them.

"Josh, can I talk to you alone for a minute?" Maya asked. Her heart beating out of control. Josh seemed startled out of his thoughts by her addressing him.

"Of course." He spoke as they both got up. Maya followed him to his office. Once they had walked in, Maya closed and locked the door. Before anything else was said, her lips were on his.

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