Breaking The News

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Hey everyone!! I hope you guys enjoy this next chapter, thanks for reading!

"What are you doing here?" Farkle asked as he looked up from his desk. "Is everything alright, is Maya okay?" He asked, his voice getting slightly panicked as he got up from his chair and looked over Michaels shoulder to see that Maya wasn't standing with him.

"She's fine." Michael stated. "Where's your unit chief?" He asked him.

"Why are you here?" Farkle ignored his question and answered him with one of his own.

"Kid, I don't have time to play Ring Around the Rosies with you. Where is your unit chief?" He asked him again. But before Farkle could answer Lucas cut him off with a glare.

"He's in his office." Lucas said as he pointed to the door up the stairs. Michael nodded and made his way up. He knocked on the door.

"Come in." Josh called out. Farkle opened up the door and peeked his head inside. He then came through the door and shut it quickly, coming up to stand beside Josh's desk.

"Have you heard anything from Michael?" Farkle asked him. Josh frowned and shook his head. It had been three weeks since the charity event, and almost a week since Michael had came to his office to talk to him about it.

"Not yet. But I wouldn't push it. No doubt that spoiling his plans like that made David angry. He's probably got his hands full at the moment." Josh told him. "We can't afford to be impatient with him now that he's asked us for help. Not with Maya's life on the line."

"Don't you think it's a little weird that he's gone this long without telling us how it went?" Farkle asked him. "We haven't even heard from Maya either." Josh nodded his head.

"We can't do anything about it. David knows what I look like, and with just a little research, he'll know what all of you look like as well. We have to watch our backs and trust that Michael will get with us when he can."

"Josh-" Lucas came into the room without knocking. His face pale. "You need to get down here. Now." He stated. Josh was out of his seat in a flash and Farkle was already gone behind Lucas.

"Everything alright?" Josh asked as he looked over Michaels shoulder once he had come into his office.

"She's not with me. But she's fine." Michael answered. Josh stopped looking and looked back at Michael with a frown on his face.

"What are you doing here?" He asked him as he stood up from his desk and walked around it to meet Michael half way in the room. Michael took a breath as he stared Josh in the eyes.

"Rather he wants to admit it or not, Peterson is in way over his head here. David is planning something, something big and Peterson doesn't have the resources he needs to shut it down. If he did, he wouldn't have asked Maya to go under." Josh raised an eyebrow.

"Does he know that you're here?" Josh asked him.

"No. And I would like it to stay that way until further notice." Michael said. "If anyone were to find out that I was here, I can kiss my career goodbye."

"So why did you come?" Josh asked him. Michael sighed.

"David is planning something, something that needs to be stopped immediately. New York is in danger, and I don't think your girl will be able to handle this whole thing on her own."

"What is it?" Josh asked as he and Farkle came down the stairs and over towards Lucas's desk. Him, Zay and Mia were standing over there. Someone that Josh had never seen before was standing in front of them. He looked young, very young. He couldn't be older than twenty-two.

"Hi, I'm Max. I'm David's nephew." He told them with a visible gulp at the end of his sentence. Josh narrowed his eyebrows. "I know about Maya. I know she's an Agent. But I'm on your side, I promise."

"Where is Maya?" Josh asked. "And why did Michael send you to us and not come here himself?" Max's posture slumped. Lucas ran a hand through his hair and shared a look with Zay.

"Michael's dead. I'm sorry, he was found out." Max stared very quietly.

Josh's heart stopped. He felt his eyes go wide, and he was sure that he had a look of horror struck on his face. Farkle's breathing became labored as he stepped forward.

"You're lying." He growled. Max shook his head.

"I wish I was. After the charity event. David suspected Maya, but Michael confessed so that nothing bad would happen to her. He was killed that night. In front of Maya." Max explained. Josh's fists clenched.

The bastard. Not only did he kill Michael, but he did it on front of Maya. Josh felt his anger quickly surfacing to the top. Maya was no doubt blaming herself right now. She always blamed herself for these types of things. She was stuck in that house with that son of a bitch.

The sound of something smashing against the wall brought Josh out of space and he snapped his head over towards Farkle, who had taken his pen holder and threw it against the wall. Josh reached out and put his hand on Farkles shoulder. Farkle shrugged it off violently and ran a hand through his hair.

"So what does this mean? With Michael gone, Maya's in there alone. How is she going to take him down now?" Zay asked. Josh shook his head.

"She's not alone." He stated. "She has us." Everyone looked over at him. The look on his face showed pure determination. Like he wasn't going to stop until Maya was back with them. For good. "Let's get to work."

"So what does that mean for us exactly?" Josh asked him as he leaned against his desk with his arms crossed.

"I'm telling you that Maya is going to need your help at that charity event. If we want to take him down, then our first plan is to interfere with his plans at the charity event. I think it's time that David realized just who he was messing with."

"And Maya? What about her?" Josh asked.

"She's safe for now. She doesn't know anything about this, which is a good thing. I gave you all the files and information you need. I think it's time we start taking David down for good." Michael told him.

"And when we start this. You promise Maya will be safe? She'll be protected no matter what happens to us?" Josh asked him. He wanted to get involved and crack this case. But he wasn't going to do it at Maya's expense.

"I will protect her with my life, I promise."

Thanks for reading everyone! Hope you guys enjoyed and that wasn't too confusing. Until next time!

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