When he meets your whole family/grandparents

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Tamaki: Tamaki had already met most of your family, everyone except for your grandparents, they were pretty judgemental, especially when it comes to halfers. You were having a mini panic attack before taking Tamaki to meet them.

"Don't worry Y/N" Tamaki said tryibg to reassure you

"I-I know, l-let's just get this over with" you said walking and opening the door to your grandpas study.

"Hej farfar , är detta Tamaki och han är min pojkvän , han bara talar japanska och jag tror lite engelska , så jag kan översätta för dig" ("Hey Grandpa , this is Tamaki and he is my boyfriend, he only speaks Japanese and I think a bit of English , so I can translate for") You said bowing presenting Tamaki.

"I can speak Japanese perfectly Y/N, don't doubt me" Your grandpa said walking up to observe Tamaki.

"R-right Grandpa" you said face palming.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Tamaki Suoh, I'm sure Y/N has mentioned lots about me"

"Hmmm, I've only heard her talk about you 3 times before" You grandpa said walking around Tamaki

"Really, now" Tamaki said shooting a glare at you, you glared back a whole lot better though.

"Hahaha, you two do look nice together so I guess I can let you pass" He said laughing at the glares you and Tamaki shot at each other.

"Ah hahah, thanks grandpa see you later" you said quickly pulling Tamaki out of the room and leaving to catch your breath

Kyoya: You wasted no time, you practically dragged Kyoya to meet your Grandmother.

"Y-Y/N, wait up you're moving really fast" Kyoya said running to keep up with you, you stopped in front of the door to your backyard. You turned around and looked at Kyoya and quickly fixed what he was wearing.

"Okej låt oss göra detta!" (Okay let's do this!) you said proudly as you pushed open the doors.

"Mormor detta är-" (Grandma this is-) You stopped midway through your sentence as a splash of water went on your face

"Are you okay Y/N" Kyoya said wiping the water off your face

"Yeah, thanks Kyoya" you said lightly kissing his cheek before turning to sew how you got water on you. A splash of water was about to hit you again but Kyoya stood in front of you and blocked the water.

"Umm Mormor?" (Umm Grandma?) You said poking your head around from behind Kyoya

"We have to cleanse the garden from bad spirits" She said spinning around and spraying water everywhere.

"Umm, okay, Grandma this is Kyoya and-"

"You both shall get married and having children yes thats okay with me honey!"

"Uhm, not what I was gonna say, but okay, Grandma"

"Leave this roses you evil spirits! Go and ruin the daisies not the roses!" You grandma said pouring a bucket or sparkly water onto the rose bush

"Okay, well we're gonna go now grandma, bai" You said about to grab Kyoya and leave until he picked a rose that was covered in sparkly water and placed it behind your ear and kissed you lightly on the cheek, it was cute moment until your grandma poured water on the two of you and started ranting on about evil spirits, you. Both managed to escape halfway though her rant though.

Hikaru: You didn't plan for Hikaru to meet your grandparents, it just sort of happened. We were all jogging in the park because you wanted us to get fit (when I say "us" and "we" i mean, you, Hikaru, myself Benny :3). So as we were jogging well, you and Hikaru were jogging Ben and I were just kinda walking, anyway, you suddenly stopped as you saw two elderly people stretching by a park bench.

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