Steamy/hot kiss

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Tamaki: You and Tamaki were on a super romantic date with candles, flowers and a bunch of other romantic things. You were both sitting on a grassy hill surrounded by flowers, and on top of the hill was a large tree that shadowed over you and Tamaki. You both sat their and watch the sun set as the sky turned pale orange.

"It's so pretty, don't you think so Tamaki?"

"Yeah, I guess it is but it not best looking thing that I've seen today" Tamaki said turning to you, as he faced you, you started to blush. Tamaki placed his hand on your cheeked and pulled you closer to him, you lips brushed against each other and this kiss felt different from the other kisses you had shared with Tamaki. He turned his head to the side as the kisses became deeper and deeper and more passionate.

Kyoya: You were at Kyoya's house and you were both sitting in his room doing homework, or working on ideas for the host club.

"Hey Kyoya, I'm kinda confused about this question, could please explain it to me?" You asked Kyoya as you moved your chair next to his.

"Of course, all you have to do is-" as Kyoya spoke you didn't pay much attention to what he was saying, you were admiring him and thinking about all the great things bout him.

"Did you understand that Y/N?" Kyoya asked as he looked back up at you

"Hmm, oh umm, yeah, i got it....kinda" you said smiling nervously at Kyoya. As you went back to doing your work you Kyoya grabbed your pencil and paper and did the work for you, you moved closer to him to see what he doing. As he turned his head to face you, your lips brushed against each other, you were about to move back but Kyoya pulled you back to his lips, you placed a hand on his chest and another hand on the back of his neck, while he place both his hands on your waist. You tilted your head to the side as the kisses got hotter and deeper. After five minutes you both needed air.

Hikaru: You were at Hikaru's house and you were both sitting around in his room doing stuff like playing games and planning what pranks to pull on Tamaki.

"Hmm maybe we should drop a water balloon on him while he his with his guests, what do think Y/N?"

"Nah, I think the girls would just get more excited, since he can pull of the wet look" You said denying Hikaru's prank idea

"So are you saying Tamaki's hot?" Hiakru asked raising an eyebrow

"Well only when he's drenched in water" you said jokingly. As soon as you finished that sentence Hikaru pushed you underneath him and held you hands above your head

"H-Hikaru" You managed to say before Hikaru viscously attacked you lips. The kisses started off slow and gentle but became hot and rough as Hikaru's tongue forced it's self into you mouth. You both continued to kiss until Kaoru walked in on you both and practically died of laughter.

Kaoru: It was a school day and you and Kaoru were at the host club with the others. There were no guests today so everyone (Tamaki) decided that it would be a clean up day, Tamaki wanted everyone to be like a big family so he made a chart that showed what each person would be doing. Everybody got through the jobs pretty quickly, mostly thanks to the help of Haruhi, you were doing your last job and Kaoru was helping you, you had to clean out the closet.

*cough* *cough*
"Its so dusty!" You said swatting the air

"Well it shouldn't take us that long, so how about we do something before we start cleaning?" Kaoru said as he pushed you against the door.

"Well I guess so" you said wrapping you hands around Kaoru's neck and pulling him into a kiss, the kisses were sweet and passionate but as time went on they became fast and needy, as Kaoru's hand was about to go up your top Haruhi opened up the closet door which made you and Kaoru fall to the floor, and all the members of the host club just stare at you both as you both stared back.

Honey: Honey invited you to his house to try look at some of the new stuffed animals he had. Once you arrived at Honeys house he showed you to his room and you saw over 50 different stuffed animals.

"Wow! Honey you have sooo many stuffer toys! I just want to hug all of them!" You said as you ran up to a giant stuffed bear with a top hat and a waistcoat.

"You don't think it's silly that I have all of these?" Honey asked picking up Usa-Chan and sitting down near a giant stuffed toy fox that had a hook for a hand and an eyepatch

"No way! If i had the choice, I would fill my room up with stuffed toys, and it shows that you have a super sweet and sensitive side" You said walking up to a purple toy bunny with a mini guitar.

You had your guard down as you looked at all the stuffed toys, but you avoided the yellow chicken because you found it the creepiest, anyway you continued to look at the toys but noticed that Honey had disappeared, you didn't hear the door open so he didn't leave the room or go to the bathroom. You started to think that Honey could have been suffocated by the stuffed toys, then out of the blue Honey jumped on you and hugged you like a Koala (<- most Australia thing i have ever written), it surprised you so you fell backwards onto Honeys bed. As soon as you fell on the bed Honeys lips met yours and the kissed got deep very fast, Honey forced his tongue into your mouth, the longer the kisses were the harder it became to breathe, eventually you both parted from each others lips and went to go eat cake.

Mori: You and Mori went out to a café that didn't have many people at it, actually you and Mori were the only two there, well besides the waiters and waitresses. You found it very peaceful and it gave you tons of time to talk to Mori. You were ranting on about something when you food had arrived and to your surprise, you had a lot more food then Mori, which made you feel very embarrassed. As Mori was about to start eating you shoved half of you food onto his plate.

"Here Mori! You can have some of my food!" You said frantically forcing food upon Mori

"Y/N-" Mori started but stopped as he same a plate drop to the floor and shards of class/what ever the fuck plates are made of fly all over the place, a piece had cut you leg and there was blood dripping from it. You were so embarrassed you thought you would cry. As waiters came and cleaned up the mess you were slowly falling to pieces.

"Are you okay Y/N?" Mori asked looking at you, you replied by rapidly nodding, but because of that a tear fell from your eye. When Mori saw you cry he took you outside you get some fresh air.

"I-I-I'm sorry Mori, for screwing this up." you said another tear falling from your eye. Mori moved so that he was in front of you, he wiped away you tear and kissed you gently on the lips, the kiss slowly progressed from a slow soft kiss to a more hot and rough kiss.

Ouran High School Host Club BF and GF Scenarios [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now