When he catches you singing/dancing

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A/N~ this may be a bit short sozzy :3~~
Oh and if you don't like the song I picked for you in the scenarios then just change it in your mind~~

Tamaki: You were at Tamakis house and you weren't doing anything exciting, you were listening to fly by sleeping with sirens and without even realising it you begun to sing out loud until the song was over, the entire time Tamaki just sat their and blushed

"Y/N can you sing another song please?" Tamaki asked smiling, so you decided to sing again but not as good you kinda weren't trying and just tried to sing as badly as possible just to get a bit of a laugh.

Kyoya: You and Kyoya were going through the host clubs accounts, you were both talking normally but you started to hum Halo by Beyonce and soon enough you begun singing it out loud, While you were singing Kyoya would occasionally look up from his work to stare at you.

"S-sorry, I didn't mean to start sing out loud" You said apologizing to Kyoya

"You don't need to apologise Y/N, you have a beautiful voice, sing a bit more for me" He asked smiling at you. You blushed out of embarrassment but kept singing for him

Hikaru: Hikaru had his headphones as he was playing a game on his computer, since you thought that he couldn't hear you, you decided to sing Rebel Love Song by Black Veil Brides. Halfway through the song you didn't notice that Hikaru had taken his headphones off and so you were still singing while Hikaru sat there and awed at your voice.

"Hikaru don't make me feel weird... Sing the song with me!" You said blushing and turning your head towards him. So You and Hikaru spent the rest of the day singing to different songs

Kaoru: You were home alone and you decided that today instead of having your maids clean your room, you would clean it. But you couldn't just clean your room with by yourself, no, you asked your trusted brother Felix to come and help you. You put on an apron on over your crop top and shorts and got out and feather duster to start cleaning but Pewds decided to put on hot pants and your bikini too.

"Ummm what the heck are you wearing pewds?"

"Just trust me" pewds said turning on your stereo as he begun to Booty Wurk by T Pain. As soon as the chorus came on he started twerking, you couldn't help but feel the urge to twerk as well so as soon as the next chorus came on you started twerking with Pewds and since the music was up so loud you didn't hear Kaoru walk into your room. As soon as he walked in he closed the door and leaned on the wall waiting for you to realise that he was there. Finally the song ended and Pewds was still twerking but you stopped and turned around to see Kaoru.

"Uh! Um! I!" You couldn't form a proper sentence so you just stood there like a mumbling idiot while Kaoru smirked.

"Hehe it was very good Y/N but, uh, I think your brother may be a but more advanced then you" He said pointing at Pewds who was STILL twerking furiously.

"Shut up and help me clean" you said throwing a dusting cloth at him.

Honey: Honey was at your place an you had promised to make him a cake, so while he was sitting in the dining area you were in the kitchen making a cake. The cake had just finished baking and you were now decorating it. Since there was so much sugar in it you started sing the chorus to Sugar by Maroon 5. Honey had crept his head around the door and was listening to you sing. You finished decorating the cake and had stopped singing, you brought the cake out to were Honey was sitting, you cut a piece for him and for yourself and you noticed that he wouldn't stop smiling and looking at you.

"Are you okay Honey?" You asked taking a spoonful of the cake

"Yeah, you're a really good singer by the way Y/N" As soon as Honey mentioned your singing you started choking on the cake.

Mori: You were having a PA class with the yr.12s which made you super happy because not only would you get to be with Mori but you would get to see him dance. It was seperated so that the girls were dancing first and then the boys would be next week. You had to learn the dance to 2 On by Tinashe ft. Schoolboy Q , the instructors got to pick who was at the front and so they picked you since you could do the dance better then the others. During the whole dance Moris jaw was hanging in awe, after the dance you walked up to Mori and lifted up his jaw back into place.

"I can't wait to see you dance next week Mori" you said smirking

Chika: You at Kendo practice with Chika and you were waiting for him to finish up so that you could both go out, you were a bit bored when you suddenly felt a tap on your shoulder, you turned around to see some of the girls in your class, they were asked if you had a bit of time to quickly re show them the dance for the chorus of Call me Baby by Exo. You looked back to see if Chika was looking and he wasn't since he was so focused on his club. So you stood up and did the dance for them, you didn't realise that some of the guys from the Kendo club were watching and they couldn't help but stare and let their jaws drop.

"What are you all staring at!?" Chika said turning around to see what they were looking at what they were looking and when he turned to see you dancing he couldn't help but drop his jaw as well

"Oh sorry Chika! I'll stop" you said as you stopped dancing and apologised to Chika

"Uh, um, nah it's okay" Chika said turning back to his club who were still all staring at you

"Eyes off my girlfriend!" Chika said yelling at them

Nekozawa: You and Nekozawa were just hanging out and watching some videos on Youtube, you came across the audio for Parasites By Sleeping With Sirens and sonce you knew the song you couldn't help but sing along to it. Nekozawa was smiling the entire time that you were singing along to it.

"You're are a really good singing my princess" Nekozawa said as he kissed you on the cheek, you couldn't help but blush and smile at his compliment.

Kasanoda: You were home alone and so you took the opportunity to learn the dance to Bubblepop by Hyuna. You sang along to the english parts of the song and when you weren't doing the proper dance to it you were just kinda of jumping around and shaking your head.

"Nice dancing Y/N" you heard someone behind you say

"K-Kasanoda!! Knock before coming in! And why didn't you tell me you were coming over!!" You shouted as your face turned red out of embarrassment

"But you are actually are really good dancer" He said kissing your cheek. He took you out on a date for the day as an apology for walking in on you dancing

Ouran High School Host Club BF and GF Scenarios [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now