When he gets excited

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Tamaki: You were at Tamaki's house and you were both hanging out in his room with his dog (I cant remember what she's called I think it's Antoinette but idk), since Antoinette is so cute  you spent more time with her then Tamaki. Tamaki was sitting on a chair with cushions on it at the time, you were about 5 meters away and you were facing him, you bent down to pet Antoinette and you showed a lot of cleavage and bra which Tamaki saw. You looked up at Tamaki and smiled sweetly not realising that he saw some cleavage and bra, in return he grabbed a cushion and placed it over his crouch which was a big hint for you and you blushed in embarrassment.
"Uhh Y/N I-"
"Bye Tamaki! See you at school!" You screamed as you rushed out of his house.

Kyoya: Kyoya was a your house at the time and you were discussing future cosplays that the club would do, you had the idea of them dressing up as animals so you and Kyoya were looking at images online.
"Wait I think my little sister might have some animal print so I'll go put it on, kay?" You said as you left the room
You didn't think you LITTLE sister owned things like this but she did. You walked back into the room that Kyoya was in and as soon as he saw you he blushed like he never blushed before. You were wearing a VERY short dress that was frilly at the ends and was covered in a cheetah print you also had on a matching cheetah head band with little ears on it.
"Umm, s-sorry Y/N, I-i couldn't-" he stopped as he looked down at his crouch
"Ahhh!! Dont talk we can discuss about the host club cosplays at school! jus-just leave please" you said looking away from Kyoya and opening your door signalling that he should.... take care of his uhh thing at home....

Hikaru: You and Hikaru were hanging out at his/Kaoru's house. You were having a contest on who could get the most kills in Halo 4 and you were both tied, you were hiding from him in a gap and he couldn't find where you were and just as he walked passed you, you threw and plasma grenade at him which assured you a win and it did. In celebration of you winning, you stood up and started jumping up and down in happiness, which was a bad idea as it made certain area umm... bounce. You stopped celebrating and look at Hikaru who was starting to lightly blush but you didn't notice, so you sat down on his lap and hugged him which was you way of reassuring him that he could win next time, but, as soon as you sat down you felt his friend against your leg. You looked at him in shock as you stood up blushing, giving Hikaru the chance to run off.
"Hahahaha!" Kaoru said laughing as he stood in the doorway of where you and Hikaru were.
"S-shut up..." You said sitting back down and placing you face in your hands.

Kaoru: You and Kaoru were out shopping for some clothes and you were really enjoying your time with him since he wasn't the type of guy who would whinge and whine about going shopping with his girlfriend. You were admiring yourself in the mirror as you twisted and turned to see how a f/c dress with a white lacy pattern looked on you, just as you turned where about to go back to your changing stall thingy Kaoru can up behind you and held a knee length baby pink dress against you.
"This looks really good on, don't you think Y/N?" Kaoru said as he looked at you through the mirror
"It does look good but this one shows off my curves a bit more" you said as you moved the dress he was holding against you. You saw him blush when he looked at the dress and you fell pretty happy and excited that you got him to blush but you weren't as excited as him as you could feel something poking you through the dress. You turned around quickly as blushed back at Kaoru as you got out of his grip and ran into your stall changing thingy.

Honey: You were at the host club with everyone and it waas buisness hours, so you just sat off to the side by yourself as everyone was off hosting, you kept a close eye on Honey becasue you knew how crazy the host clubs fangirls can get. While you were intensly staring at Honeys guests Haruhi had offered you some cake which you humbly accepted. It didn't take you long to finish eating the cake and you since it was you favourite you licked the spoon/fork/whatever the heck you use to eat cake, clean but you didn't realise the honey sawy ou lick it and in his mind it was very, very sexy and made him very excited, he tried to hide it by placing Usa-chan on his lap, you didn't know he saw until he told you after all his quests had left.

Mori: You were at Mori's house and you were mucking around with his weapons as he stood far away from you, so he could prevent his self from getting hit from you crazy swinging and it was a good thing he did since you swung a Kendo sword right past him and into a pond.
"Don't worry Mori, I'll get it" you said running to the pond, as Mori just stood there looking at you. You stood at the edge of the pond trying to reach the sword, you balance isn't that great so you fell into the pond which got you soaking wet (*starts laughing at the sexual innuendo on the bus like a crazy person*). You walked out of the pond holding the sword as Mori came over to see if you were okay but stopped in his tracks once he saw you.
"Sorry about getting your sword wet Mori" you said handing the sword back to him.
"Next time don't go in water, or get wet..." He said looking down at the ground, you tried to see what he was looking at on the ground only to realise he had gotten a, um...ya know..., and to then realise that your top was see through due to the water, once you realised this you hid behind a tree until it was time for you to leave.

Ouran High School Host Club BF and GF Scenarios [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now