You catch him cheating on you/ break up

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Tamaki: It was a quite day at the host club, nobody entered the club after the morning and it had been empty all day. School had ended and you left your music book in the Host club so you thought it was a good opportunity to run in a grab it. Just as you opened the door you heard someone in side the host club, you were trying to be quite and avoid eye contact but you took a quick glance to see who was in the room, but as soon as you saw you heart shattered like a piece of glass. It was Tamaki and one of his top guests making out and from the looks of it, it was going to turn into something more, you didn't do anything, you just stood there and waited for them to notice you, it was the girl who noticed you and as soon as she saw you she pulled back from Tamaki and told him to turn around. As soon as Tamaki turned to look at you, you said:

"Were over Tamaki, you seem to be having more fun with her, then me" You then turned and walked out of the room

"Y/N! It bot what it looks like!" Tamaki said as he grabbed your wrist and tried to pull you back to him.

"Don't touch me" You said as you ripped you wrist out of Tamakis hand and while your voice cracked as you let out a tear.

Kyoya: You were going to Kyoya's house to surprise Kyoya to congratulate him on getting the top mark in the school for science. You arrived at Kyoya's house and you pressed the doorbell and waited for someone to open the door for you, to your surprise it was Kyoya's sister who opened the door for you.

"Haii! You must be here to see Kyoya, right?" She said very enthusiastically

"Umm, yeah" you said smiling sweetly and lightly blushing.

"His room is just up the stairs and it the last room in the right hallway"

"Okay thank you" you said lightly bowing your head.

Once you arrived at Kyoya's door you lightly knocked on the door, but there was no response, so you just opened the door the slightest bit to see if anyone was in there, you saw the outline of Kyoya so you opened the door but once you saw the whole picture your heart broke...You saw another girl sitting on Kyoya's lap and making out with him.

"Kyoya?" You said loud enough to make them both look at you

"Uh, Y/N it's not what-"

"No Kyoya it's EXACTLY what it looks like, and to think that I thought that YOU loved me, I was stupid to think that."

"Y/N, i do love you"

"No you don't Kyoya, we're over" You said leaving Kyoya's room and then leaving his house, you waited until you arrived home to break down.

Hikaru: You and Hikaru weren't going out today, even though it he did promise to take you out today, but he had told you he was sick and didn't want to get you sick. So you decided to go out to the mall by yourself, you wondered around the mall and went into a game shop just to browse at some of the new games. While wondering the aisles of the shop when you heard Hikaru's voice, you followed the sound of his voice, only to find Hikaru with his arms around the waist of another, at first you weren't that upset but you then say Hikaru lean in and deeply kiss her. You pulled out you phone and texted Hikaru. (The things in italics are you texting him/him texting you)

"Are feeling any better Hikaru?" As soon as you texted this to Hikaru you saw him pull his phone out of his pocket and quickly text back

"Yea, sorry that I couldn't go out with you Y/N"

"Thats okay, oh and turn around you fucking asshole!!" As soon as he saw you text he turned around to see you mad.

"Y/N, I-"

Ouran High School Host Club BF and GF Scenarios [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now