When he talks to your siblings

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Tamaki: It was the beginning of the day and everyone had gone into their home rooms, you were in a different homeroom to Tamaki which gave him the opportunity to talk to your older brother Reese.
"Hi Reese!" Tamaki said with a large grin on his face as he stood in front of your brothers desk
"Umm, hi?" He responded in confusion seeing as he never talks to Tamaki
"So how's your day been?" Tamaki asked with no hesitation and still with a large grin
"Umm, good I-" Reese was about to finish his sentence but was rudely interrupted by Tamaki
"Good to know! So is your sister dating anyone?" Tamaki asked while looking Reese direct in the eye
"Uhh I-I don't think Älva is dating anyone and she is too young for you" Reese said with hesitation as he crawled to the back of his seat
"No I meant your other sister, Y/N" Responded Tamaki
"Oh her, nah she isn't dating anyone besides if she was she would't be hanging out with the host club" Reese said relaxing as Tamaki stepped away from him
"Really!" Tamaki said screaming, Reese only responded with a nod, making Tamaki walk out of the room slowly and quietly, and once he left you could here him yipping and yaying with joy from what he had just heard.

Kyoya: You were out with Stephano, Felix and Älva for the day and you had all left quite early in the day specifically 10am. While you were gone Kyoya had decided that it would be a good a time to ask your eldest sister Verity a few questions about yourself.
*door bell rings*
"Good morning sir" Said your houses maid as she greeted Kyoya with a warm smile
"Good morning, I was wondering if Verity Kjellburg was home?" Kyoya asked lightly grinning at the maid
"Yes she is just in the study, up the stairs in the room to your right, would you like em to show you the way?" Kindly asked the maid
"No, i can manage Kyoya said walking off to the study.
Just before Kyoya had opened the door to the study he heard screams of frustration coming from the room followed by the sound of breaking glass. Kyoya cautiously opened the door revealing your older sister Verity on the verge of pulling out her beach blonde hair.
"Umm, excuse me are you Verity?" Asked Kyoya
"Yes! Why does it matter to you!" Kyoya cautiously took a step back when he heard angered screams coming from your sister
"Sorry I am just under a lot of stress, so what is it that you want to talk about?" Verity asked sitting back down rubbing her head
"I just wanted to know a bit about your sister Y/N" Kyoya asked still standing in the doorway
"Oh, so you want to know if she's dating anyone, right?" Verity asked raising an eyebrow at Kyoya. He didn't answer except for a light blush that came across his cheeks.
"Okay I'll tell you, Y/N isn't dating anyone but she does have a crush on someone in the host club, but I'm not going to say who, so did that answer your question?" Verity said smiling at Kyoya
"Yes thank you" said Kyoya lightly bowing his head towards Verity before exiting the doorway "oh and you might need to take a break every now and then while working so you don't over do it." Kyoya said sticking his head around the side of the door.

Hikaru: It was your day off so you took the opportunity to go out and buy some new games with Älva and spend some sisterly bonding time. While you were out Felix was editing a new video for his channel were he is playing I am Bread, while editing there was a knock at the houses main door, it was Hikaru. One of your house maids showed Hikaru to Felix's room.
*knock knock knock*
The door opened slowly revealing a small boy with golden hair and a sword
"Uhh, are you Felix?" Hikaru asked looking down at the small boy. He shook his head and pointed at Felix who was editing his video.
"Allos Pewdie, someone wants to talk to you" He said directing Hikaru to talk to Felix
"Thanks Stephano!" Felix said with a grin as Stephano walked out of the room leaving Felix and Hikaru alone.
"So what do you want to ask me?" Said Felix as he continued editing his video
"I wanted to ask you something about your sister, Y/N" Hikaru said looking around the room
"Okay, what do you want to know ask about her?" Felix asked still editing his video
"Is she single?" Hikaru asked avoiding eye contact with Felix as he spun his chair around to now be facing Hikaru
"She is single" Responded Felix
"Really!?" Hikaru said as he blushed
"Yes, but she does have a crush on someone, and I think that person has a crush on her as well" Felix said with a cheeky smirk, as Hikaru looked as if he would burst with happiness
"Thanks for telling me" Hikaru said as beamed with joy and left your house happily.

Kaoru: It was a normal school day and you were outside doing group work for your english assignment.
"Hey Hikaru, where's Kaoru?" You asked tilting your head at Hikaru
"He went to go and get something from his locker" Answered Hikaru as he continued writing in his book
"Oh okay" You responded, not questioning Hikaru's response, even though you knew he was lying about where Kaoru was. Kaoru was actually at the middle School and was walking towards the middle block where your sister, Älva, had her homeroom classes. He stood at the door of her class as all the girls started fangirling about a host club member arriving at their door. Ear piercing shrieks came from the girls as the flailed over how he stood their so calmly.
*knock knock*
Kaoru knocked on the door and asked if he could come in
"Yes you can come in" said the class rep who was trying to calm down and hide how much she was blushing
"I was just wondering is I could talk to Älva?" Kaoru asked as he stepped into the room and looked at Älva
"If you must" said the class rep as Kaoru and Älva walked out into the hallway next to the class
"What do you want?!" Älva asked flipping her hair from her eyes before crossing her arms and looking at Kaoru up and down as if to say she wasn't impressed by him
"I just wanted to ask if Y/N was dating Entoan" said Kaoru as he shyly blush and looked down
"Are you crazy!" Screamed Älva as she bursted into tears of laughter
"Umm so she isn't" Kaoru said looking at her confused
"No, if she was I would have killed her for dating my boyfriend, they are just friends and nothing else, besides she like you-" Älva quickly covered her mouth after she said that
"Y/N likes me?" Kaoru asked as a wild blush came on his face
"What! No!" Älva said before running back into her homeroom and shutting the door, leaving a speechless yet happy Kaoru to wonder the halls back to the high school.

Honey: It was the end of the school day and you, Reese and Älva were waiting outside for Stephano.
"Where the fuck is Stephano!?" Älva said looking frustrated
"Älva! Don't use that kind of language!" You said slapping her in the arm lightly
"We have to wait for him, he is only young and besides Pewds would kill us if we left him behind" Reese said leaning against the limo. You could see Stephano making his way towards the car but disappeared in the blink of an eye.
"Where am I?" Stephano said shaking his head and trying to figure out what had just happened
"Are you Y/N little brother?" Asked Honey looking kindly at Stephano
"Yes, and who are you?" Stephano asked standing up and brushing dirt off his clothes
"I'm Honey!" He said sweetly smiling at Stephano who in return had no response to him.
"I was just wondering if, Y/N was dating anyone?" Honey said twiddling with his fingers and looking at the ground shyly and yet so adorably
"It must only matter to you if you like her, if you do she isn't dating anyone if you don't she is in a relationship, pick which ever one you want to believe but only your true feelings will lead you to the right decision" Stephano responded then walked out of the bushes leaving a thought filled Honey to think about his decision, which didn't take long
"So she isn't dating anyone!" Honey screamed from the bush only to see that you, Stephano,Reese and Älva had already left

Mori: It was a sunny day at Ouran today and only the highest achieving students from the middle school were coming to view classes at the high school. Even though you and your siblings have only been at Ouran for a month all of you are the tops students of your grades which meant the Älva and Stephano were coming to visit the high school. It was around lunch that they arrived and you went out of your class to go and find them which proved to be a challenge as none of your siblings were around the school grounds, you went to were they were going to meet you and sat their and waited silently.
"I guess I'll just have to wait for them, their probably busy with something or maybe they are having trouble finding their way here" you whispered to yourself quietly while looking at your surroundings.
"She looks so lonely" Älva whispered while she was behind a large hedge trying to see what you were doing
"She was really looking forward to all of us having a lunch together we even have specially prepared food" responded Reese leaning against a tree while holding a basket
"So what do you have to ask us?" Stephano said looking up at Mori who was silent throughout their whole conversation
"I just need to know if Y/N is dating anyone" Answered Mori bluntly as he look Stephano in the eye
"She isn't" Reese said as he walked off to go and sit with you
"But she used to get asked out by a lot of really good looking guys" Älva said following Reese to sit down, leaving Stephano and Mori at the back of the hedge still staring at each other
"So far she has rejected every guy who has asked out but you may just have a chance if you ask her sooner or later or never or now" Those were the last words that Stephano said to Mori before breaking their intense stare and then following Reese and Älva to sit with you, leaving Mori to thunk about his decision and what to do.

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