You forgive him (Oneshot

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A/N ~ I'm sorry for making this another oneshot! >.< I was going to do them separately but i have to do my HPE, religion and music assignment and study for a science test on Monday, so I didn't get much time to do it, since I write these on the weekends. Please forgive me for and I hope you enjoy :'3

? = your guy's name

You were feeling miserable about everything and you just wanted to run into ? arms and have him hold you, but, you knew it wouldn't happen because you were so arrogant towards him and refused to forgive just because you didn't want to seem desperate. You needed ? more than anything. It was late at night and you couldn't sleep, you tried falling asleep but you couldn't, so you just laid in bed and looked at the ceiling. You sighed as you turned to face the window, you don't know why but you couldn't sleep, you stared out your window and heard a light tap on it, you started freaking out because the night before you had kept yourself up by reading Creepypastas, so your instant thought was that someone was coming to kill you. There was another tap at the window so you got up to see who was there, you slowly walked to the window while holding a torch and a cross covered in holy water, as you reached the window you quickly opened it and threw down the cross screaming " GET BACK UNHOLY CREATURE!!". You didn't look at where you threw it but it landed in the pond in your backyard.

"Umm, Y/N?" ? Said smiling at you from the back porch.

"Uh...hai ?" You said trying not to smile.

"Can I um... talk to you, really quick"

"Yes! I-I mean yea, sure, just give me a sec" you said closing your window and face palming.

You quietly walked downstairs trying not to disturb anyone, but on you way down you saw you saw Stephano and Felix pushing a barrel out of the house, you didn't question what they were doing cause you have a weird/fabulous family. You made your way to the back door and saw ? standing there dressed in his pyjamas and scratching his head.

"Hey ?"

"Y/N, I'm just going to be straight with you, I can't live my life knowing that you will always be mad and upset with me, I don't care if you've moved on and I don't care that your over me, I will always love you, your my first and last love, I know that I'll never find anyone like you ever again, and there will be nobody else that I love as much as you. I'll try to accept it if you've moved on but I will hate the guy your with cause i want to be with you, forever. I just, uh, I just want you to forgive me, I'm sorry for everything, I'm sorry for not telling you that I was in another relationship and the only reason I was in that relationship was because I thought she had something that you didn't but you have everything I could ever ask for. I'm sorry, can you please just forgive me so th-" You cut him off by kissing him and giving him a giant hug.

"Mmh, Y/N?"

"I'm sorry for being so stubborn and stupid ?" You said crying into ? chest

"You weren't stupid, i was and i still am"

"Hahaha, I love you ?" you said hugging him even tighter then before

"I love you too Y/N, does this mean that you forgive me and that you'll take me back?"

"Aww nah, I just kissed you because i felt like it" you said sarcastically


"It's actually pretty late at night ?, Do you wanna maybe stay over?" You said blushing

"Well i guess" he said putting his arm around your shoulder and opening the door.

"Heheehe, okay but you gonna have to sleep on the couch in Stephanos room."

"Whaat?! How come?" He said with a sad expression

"Well Felix and Reese kinda guard my door so no guys go in my room"

"But I'm your boyfriend tho!"

"Too bad babe, Stephanos room is next to mine, goodnight" you said kissing ? On the cheek and going into your room as he stood there looking at Felix and Reese who were both asleep.

Slowly after you fell asleep you felt a warm pair of arms go around you, you turned around to see ? Holding you.

"Goodnight Y/N"

"Goodnight ?" You both said to each other before a quick kiss goodnight. You felt complete again and had no more worries, as long as you had him with you everything would be perfect.

"Ahh soo cute :3" I said watching you both through the window with Ben ( yes Ben drowned, don't judge )

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