When your on your period

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F/j/f = fave junk food

Tamaki: You and Tamaki were both at you house, and you both just lounging around doing nothing, well mostly you. Tamaki had stood up at walked over to you, to try and hug you.

"Don't you dare touch me Tamaki!!!" You screamed at him

"W-why can't I have a hug...." Tamaki asked starting to look a little sad

"Cause I am on my period, and I have crazy painful cramps!!" You scream at him again. As soon as Tamaki heard you say period he sat back down, turned on the tv for you, got you a pillow and gave you f/j/f.

Kyoya: You didn't hide the fact that you were on you period because you were so moody, but it did take Kyoya a while to figure it out. You were sitting next to Kyoya at the host club and you had a very angry/ frustrated look on your face.

"Is something the matter Y/N?" Kyoya asked putting his clipboard down

"It's nothing..." you grumbled back

"Could it be that time of month then?" Kyoya said as he took a sip from his tea

"How dare you say that!" You squealed looking shocked at Kyoya. You sat in frustration and frowned even more then before only to have Kyoya pass you a pack of tampons/pads under the table as he stood up and walked away. You groaned angrily and threw the tampons/pads at Kyoya's head, making you giggle.

Hikaru: You were really sad when you got you period that sometime you just cry over the smallest things. You and Hikaru were seeing who could win at jenga and the outcome wasn't looking good for you. You tried removing one of the blocks from the bottom but it fail the tower toppled over.

"Jenga! I win! Yay!" Hikaru squealed as he jumped from his seat.

"Waahhh!" You started crying for reals and you couldn't help it you tried stopping but you wouldn't stop

"A-are y-you okay Y/N?" Hikaru asked cautiously

"I-i *hic* can't believe I-I *sniff* lost" you said wiping tears away from your eyes

"It's okay, we can set it up and play again, how about best out of three?" Hikaru offered as he wiped a tear off from your face and pulled some of your hair behind you ear

"I-I'm sorry for crying, I get like this when I'm on my period" you stated bluntly

"It's okay your cute when you cry" Hikaru said kissing you on your forehead.

Kaoru: You acted like normal but you were really mean when someone tried to talk to you, you tried to act as nice as you could when you were talking to Kaoru but their were moments when you would snap at him. Kaoru noticed this and tried thinking of why you were acting like this, but he came up with only one solution.

"Hey Y/N" Karou said as he slowly approached you

""What!?" You said frustratedly

"Are you on your period?" Karou said slowly taking a step back as you stood up

"Karou..... Did you see me unwrap a pad/tampon? No you didn't! So don't make such stupid assumption like that!!" You screamed as you flopped back down on the seat

"I-i-" Karou started but was cut off by you

"And yes, I am on my period" you said as you crossed you arms. Kaoru came and sat next to you and gave you, your laptop, f/j/f and a blanket, as he put on some netflix/ youtube vids for you to watch.

Honey: You were 100% normal when you were on your period.... except for the fact that you ate a lot more than Honey. You were both at the host club eating cake together, it would usually take you more time to eat cake but not today, you were smashing threw cakes like it was the last time you could ever eat. Honey saw this and honestly he felt a bit disheartened to know that he couldn't keep up with you.

"Y/N.... Could you slow down on the cakes please, I can't keep up with you" Honey said as he pushed another empty plate of cake away from him

"Sorry honey, but it's not like were having a contest right?" You asked cocking your head

"I guess so, but how can you eat so much cake? you usually don't eat so much" Honey responded

"Don't worry Honey, I'll probably get like this once every month" You answered hoping that Honey would figure it out for himself, but he didn't and you didn't want to lose you appetite by talking about something like periods.

Mori: You and Mori were just lounging around watching tv or reading or just talking to each other, you were wearing black jeans because of leakage freakage and it was a good plan, but the only flaw with your plan was you were sitting on a white couch. You didn't have any crazy mood swings or anything you were really normal, you were just a lot more sleepy then usual. You were snuggled up to Mori when your phone went off, so you got up and walked to your desk to see what was happening.

"Wait here one sec, I'm just going to go see what my phone wants" you said getting up from your seat

"Okay" Mori said bluntly as he adjusted his seating. As you walked back to your seat you saw a red mark on the area you were sitting in, when you saw it your face flushed red with embarrassment.

"Whats wrong Y/N?" Mori asked as he looked at you from his seat

"It's nothing! But it's getting late so you should probably go" you said trying to get him to leave so that he wouldn't see the red mark


"No excuses Mori! It's starting to get" you said pulling and pushing Mori out of your front door

"Okay bye-bye Mori! Have a safe trip home!" You said closing the door on Mori, after closing the door you sunk to your feet and heard your phone go off in your pocket.

"A message from Mori?!" You thought to yourself

"Y/N there is a red mark on your couch, I think I know what it is"

After reading the message you almost died of embarrassment and you had no idea what you were going to say to Mori when you go to school.

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