When its your birthday pt.2

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Mori knew that you didn't want a giant party or celebration, so he bought you a small cake and a few present for you. Even though it didn't seem like much to most people it was just what you wanted.

"Are you sure this is all you need for your birthday Y/N?" Mori asked handing you a slice of cake

"Yeah this is all I could ask for" you said snuggling up to Mori as you began eating the slice of cake


Since Chika isn't too big on sweets but you really like sweets (if you don't like sweets well you do now), he decided to hand make you sweets for your birthday. He told you to stay in the living room while he make everything. You heard the smoke alarm go off over 19 times and fire fighters even arrived at your house. You still didn't go into the kitchen though. A few hours later chika came out from the kitchen with your favourite type of cake, it was perfectly decorated as well.

"Chika.... did you buy this from a store" you said looking at him.

"Would you rather a perfectly made cake or a burnt cake Y/N?"

"Good point"


You were patiently sitting in your bedroom waiting for Nekozawa, he told you to wait in the bedroom while he went to go get your present. You had been sitting in your room for a while now and started to wonder why he was taking so long, as soon as this popped into your mind you heard the door open up behind you.

"Dont turn around Y/N!! And close your eyes!!" He quickly as he entered the room.

"O-okay?" You turned your head forward again and closed your eyes.

You could hear him walking closer and closer towards you, you soon felt kisses against your neck and jawline.

"It's your birthday Y/N, I'll be sure to treat you like a princess" Nekozawa whispered into your ear in a slightly husky voice.

Just as your thought that it was going somewhere hot and steamy, he started tickling you like no tomorrow.

"Is this how you treat princesses" you said laughing as hard as you could.

"It's only how I treat you, my only dear sweet princess" he said kissing your nose. Although it was an odd start to your birthday the rest of the day was perfect and just to your liking.


It was 3.30am and it was officially your birthday, you were asleep but you were only kinda half asleep since you could hear a bit of noise around you. You slowly began to wake up and the first the you saw was a body pillow of your husbando/waifu next to you, you almost began crying from happiness when you saw it. You instantly gripped onto it.

"I LOVE YOU SO FUCKING MUCH, I LOVE YOU MORE THEN FUCKING AIR OMFG YESSSSSS!!!!!!" You screamed as you tightly gripped the body pillow.

You heard the door of your room creak open, you turned around and saw Kasanoda standing there.

"okay then......... i guess I'm not needed" he said shutting the door and leaving the room.

Haruhi (girl)
The only thing you wanted for your birthday was Haruhi, and that's exactly what you got. For only one day Haruhi let you do whatever you wanted. She was excited to see what you would come up with, she knew that there were gonna be some sexual things happening but she didn't mind too much as long as then wasn't gonna be any killing stalking shit with blood fetishes. But to her surprise you didn't do anything too sexual the most you asked from her were hugs and light kisses and pecks. You enjoyed having Haruhi all to yourself and surprisingly she enjoyed herself as well.

Tetsuya had taken you to a small park not far from where you live, he set out an entire picnic which he had planned and made. He also decorated the area you were sitting with flowers and small happy birthday signs. You both sat in the park the whole day and just talked and enjoyed each others presences. Later that night he gave you his second present ;)))

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