Christmas oneshot~~~

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A/N so I am gonna do separate Christmas scenarios I just wan do a oneshot cause why the fuck not~~

_ = your guy/girls name (e.g. _ = tamaki, Kyoya or one of the other guys or Haruhi)

You heard a knock at your dorm door and you instantly got up to go open it as you knew it was _. But, Fay beat you to it.

"Hola _ what can I do for you today?"

"I uh came to give Y/N a present" _ said as they look at you and smiled.

"Ohh okay, cool, cool, umm, did you get me a present?" Fay asked nicely

"O-oh n-no s-sorry I-"

Before they could finished their sentence Fay had shut the door on them.

"What was that for!!?!?" You yelled at Fay who was locking the door.

"I'm sorry Y/N but _ didn't bring me a present so they don't get to come inside" Fay as she hammered planks of wood onto the door.

"Isn't Christmas all about spending time with your loved ones though?" Anna asked as he decorated the tree

"Yeah Anna's right!" You exclaimed

"Pppffftt, what the fuck, no, I will spend time with my loved ones the day that I get a fucking Yata Misaki body pillow!" Fay said as she laughed.

Whilst she was laughing there was a knock at the door.

"Who is it!?" Fay screamed as she drilled a hole in the door to see _ standing there.

"Do you have a present for me _?"

"Yes I had it before I was just kidding about not having one..."

"Hmmm fine you can come inside"

"How are you gonna open the door Fay?" You asked you looking at her puzzled. Out of no where she pulled out the master sword from legend of Zelda and swung downwards, instantly the door opened, since it was sliced in half.

"Welcome _~~" Anna said bringing out the food from the kitchen and putting it on a table

"Merry Christmas _" you said walking up the them and about to kiss them till you got knocked to the floor by Fay.

"So where's my present?" She asked putting the master sword up to _ neck.

"H-here" they said handing over a large rectangle shaped box.

"Holy shit it's giant!!!" Fay screamed as she was about to grasp the box in her arms.

"But it's going under the tree" Anna said quickly grabbing it and putting it under the tree.

"I also have a present for you Anna" _ said also giving Anna a large rectangular shaped box, Anna took the box happily and placed it under the tree while Fay poked and shakes her gift box.

"Merry Christmas Y/N"_ said walking up to you and handing you a smaller rectangular box.

"Thank you~ Merry Christmas to you too _" you said also handing them a small rectangular box.

"These are both going under the tree" Anna said appearing out of no where and taking the boxes.

"Can we eat now!!!" Fay whined as she sat down at the table ready to eat

" okay" Anna said sitting down at the table as well. You held hands with _ as you both sat not to each other at the table. All the food was covered with silver plate cover things (I can't fucking remember the name of it! It's like 2:30am and I can't think straight!).

"_ since your our guest you can decide on what you want first" Anna said inviting them to go ahead and choose something. _ chose the dish with the largest cover and when they lifted the cover they saw that it was giant bowl of Doritos, confused they opened up the other covering as well to find a different variety of chips, oranges and Mountain Dew.

"Who cooked?" You and Fay said in unison.

"I did!" Anna said proudly.

"How about we open up presents first?" You offered as you stood up with Fay _ and left the table.

"H-hey! Wait for me!" Anna said getting up quickly and following you all to the Christmas tree which was decorated with a variety of different items, and by variety I mean, LoL and oranges as well as the casual appearance of Sebastian and Markiplier.

"Anna decorated the tree as well" you said as you exhaled while Anna nodded proudly at her achievements.

"This is why should've let me do it" Fay said with he hands in her hips.

"But you're too short" Anna said bluntly.

"T.K.O" Fay said falling to the ground.

You all sat around in a circle with the gifts by your sides, so far you had received 35 cartons of orange juice from Anna and a butt load of lush products from Fay as well as a necklace made out of candy penis' which was also from Fay. _ had gotten an oversize hand knitted sweater from Anna and a set of new headphones from Fay. You had gotten Fay a new PS4 controller that had a skull design on it and Anna had gotten her a Link figurine. For Anna you got her a ticket to go and explore a orange juice factory and Fay had gotten her a $50 gift card for LoL.

You were opening up the gift that _ had gotten for you but you couldn't help but look over at the, to see their reaction to your present. As soon as they saw your gift their face lit up in joy, _ looked up and you with gleaming smile.

"I can't believe you kept this for so long" they said looking down at the line of picture that you both took in a photo lot on your first date, _ began laughing as if something really funny had happened you look at they confused.

"Hahaha just open up my present Y/N and you'll see why I'm laughing" they said trying to stop. You quickly opened up the box to see the exact same gift that you had given _. You had no idea that they kept the photos for so long but you suppose that that's what they thought as well when _ had given you the photos. You were both laughing hysterically as Fay and Anna looked at you both puzzled.

" aren't you guys gonna open up your gifts from me as well?" _ asked  as they stopped laughing.

"Oh yeah!" Fay said happily as she grabbed the large box. Anna and Fay both opned up the boxes excitedly but they went still when they saw what was inside.

"Oh. My. God" they both said as they they grabbed what was in the box and took it out. Everything was quite except for the sound of paper rustling . Sudden Fay and Anna began screeching at the top of their lungs.

"HOLY SHIT THIS IS JUST WHAT I WANTED!!!" They both jumping up and down.

"W-what did you guys get?" You said a little taken aback by their sudden outburst.

"I got a Sebastian body pillow!!" Anna said holding it tightly

" I can't believe I actually have a Yata fucking Misaki body pillow! Holy shit!" Fay said hugging the pillow with tears in her eyes.

You all enjoyed the lovely Christmas evening where you all shared stories and at food

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