Yasuchika Huninozuka

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For chikas you'll be in middle school and there won't be that much interaction with the host club members
When you meet + first kiss+ when he asks you out: You arrived at Ouran gates clenching you fists in determination, you looked confident, strong and serious. You pulled the gates open, only to relize that you had to push then open, after failing at trying to open it you started banging your head lightly against the steel bars of the gate.

"You know you could really hurt yourself from doing that" you heard a voice say behind you

"I know, thats why I'm doing it" You said reluctantly as you looked up to see who it was, it was a boy who looked to be around your age.

"Whatever, can you move so i can get through" he said poking you slightly, you got up only to trip backwards, the boy reached his arm out to catch you but ended up falling on top of you, your lips crashed together. You both stood up quickly and looked at each other blushing.

"Uhh, I-I'm Yasuchika Huninozuka" he said bowing his head

"Umm I-I'm Y/N L/N" you bowing back

"Are you new to the school" Chika asked looking away from you

"Umm y-yeah"

"Oh, do you want me to show you around the school and stuff tomorrow afternoon" He said blushing

"Like a date?"

"Uh-um y-yeah"

"Sure" You said smiling at him happily, as you walked through the gates to your home room, which was the same as Chikas.

First date + steamy/passionate kiss + when he meets you siblings + when he asks you to be his Girlfriend: You were meeting Chika at the back of the middle school gardens, he had set up a table with chairs in the middle of the garden, there was no one around since school had ended so it was just you and Chika. He showed you the table where you'd both be sitting, he pulled the chair out for you to sit down, you humbly took his offer and sat down, At first it was all really quite but as time continued you both started talking more and you found out more about each other, You both finished eating and Chika walked you around the school showing you each and every area. Chika took you into the gym where hosts the Karate club which he is also the captain of.

"Hey, Chika?"

"Yes Y/N"

"Could you show me some of your Karate moves?"

"I guess" He said as he went and got changed into his Karate uniform or whatever the fuck it called. once he came back he showed you some Karate moves, you were amazed.

"Wow! I wish had as much balance as you Chika" you said applauding his performance

"I could help you if you want"


"Yeah, it won't be a problem" He said walking closer to you. He lifted up your arms and got you to stand on one foot, you were wobbling a lot.

"Focus on me Y/N" Chika said lifting your chin to face him, you blushed as you looked into his eye, He quickly pulled you forward and kissed you roughly, Chika tilted his head letting the kiss get deeper, he wrapped his arms around your waist and you wrapped yours around the back of his neck, The kiss was full of passion as he forced his tongue into your mouth, your tou ged rolled around in each others mouth until.

"OooooooOoooo! Y/N has a boyfriend" you quickly pulled away to see your brother Felix smiling pointing at you.

"S-shut up Pewds!!" You screamed throwing your shoe at him, Felix quickly ran off.

"S-sorry about him Chika" you said looking down

"Well he seems better than my brother"



"Yes Chika"

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

"YES!" you squealed as you jumped on him and hugged him like a Koala.

When he says I love you + First time (even tho I am pretty sure Chika is under age!!): Chika was at you house because he was helping you with some homework. You had both been going out for 5 months (because fuck logic) and things had started getting serious. You were having some serious trouble with you HPE assignment and you didn't understand any of it.

"I hate Hpe" you said as you flopped onto your bed, Chika stood up and sat next to you.

"Don't worry Y/N, if we work on it a little longer then you'll understand it"

"Can we take a break first babe?"

"Fine" he said as he laid down next to you, You both turned to face each other, Chika placed his forehead onto yours and looked you in the eyes.


"Yes Chika"

"I-I love you" Chika said as he didn't break eye contact with you

"I love you too Chika" You said kissing him lightly. The kiss turned very heavy and sweet, Chikas kissing made its way down your neck and onto your collarbone, his hand slowly went up your top and un hooked your bra. I think you can image what happens next. (Chika lemon will come out with the other lemons)

Ouran High School Host Club BF and GF Scenarios [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now