Getting groceries together

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Since you and Tamaki lived a rich neighborhood there was only organic fancy grocery stores, you liked shopping there and stuff but Tamaki found that there was one small problem with the fancy grocery stores......... They didn't sell instant coffee. You did see it as much of a big deal but Tamaki was flipping out. So the only solution in his mind was to drive an hour away from where you live and to a commoners grocery store. Tamaki bought all the instant coffee that they sold there, then you both left to go to the fancy grocery store to but food. On that day you decided to not take Tamaki and with you to go shopping.

Since Kyoya is very wise when it comes to shopping you guys would save a lot of money when you looked at the receipt. But of course this didn't stop him from still bargaining with the store workers to decrease the price of things, most of the time he would win the argument but then there were times when he'd get kicked out from a store and sometimes banned. So usually buying groceries you're both going around to about 3 different stores.

You love going out to buy groceries with Hikaru, you actually find it really fun, you both get tons of food they you know you'll eat in one day but you guys never seem to mind. For you it's always a pleasant experience for you. However Hikaru hates it, you always make him carry all the bags when you go home, and since you guys buy practically the whole shop he has to carry 10 or more bags into the kitchen while you carry the lightest bag that has bread in it. Every time he complains you just tell him that you're helping him grow more muscle so he can be stronger and hotter.

Whenever you two go out to get groceries the first place Kaoru goes is to the health aisle, to buy condoms. Yep that's it condoms that's all I have for this Idk wtf else x3

Being typical Honey, he obviously would ask you to buy a shit ton of cakes and sweets, you didn't mind except for the fact that the only food you had was cake or some sort of lolly (or candy if your weird like that x3 jk jk). Your tried lowering his sugar intake cause you didn't want him to die or something, which scarily has never happened ever since you've known him. You gradually lowered his intake, soon he would only have two or three slices of cake a day which was a big improvement.

Shopping with Mori is always a good experience for you, it's always average and normal, nothing extraordinary ever really happens. You do find it interesting whenever you buy pregnancy tests just in case and Moris face just completely goes red.


Chika rarely eats junk food so whenever you go shopping he barely lets you get any chocolate or sweets or junk food. Sometimes you try to go shopping by yourself so you can get junk food but it never works, he always says that it's for your own good and he doesn't want anything bad to happen to you or your body. You always believe him and trust him but sometimes when your lucky you sneak in an extra three blocks of chocolate without him looking.

You and Nekozawa don't own any pets, but for some reason he always buys cat food. Whenever you question him he just places one finger on your lips and goes 'shhh' and because you find that awkward yet somewhat arousing.

You and Kasanoda always get weird looks whenever you both go out and for some reason you always get a huge discount on your shopping, you have no idea why, hmm maybe because he looks like a fucking thug maybe?? You don't really mind actually, infact you kinda like the idea of getting discounts because of his looks, however when you do get discounts for his looks and go home he always complains saying you always you him for his body.

Haruhi (guy)
Haruhi almost never takes you with her when she goes shopping, but the times that she does take you shopping is when she needs you to carry heavy items, which are usually normal stuff like large bags of rice, packs of water and boxes of fancy tuna.

Haruhi (girl)
Fancy tuna. Everywhere. Just fucking boxes of it. But Haruhi insisted on more so you bought more. Now your house smells like an aquarium. Congrats you also breed tuna in your bathtub as well. Fancy tuna.

Usually Tetsuya does the shopping because he knows how lazy you are but whenever you both do shopping together he always let's you get whatever you want even if it's something really outrageous........ Congrats you now own over 100 body pillows.

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