Your first date and first kiss

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A/N~ Sorry if this one is a bit short but I thought that since it is your date with your guy you should be able to choose what you both say to each other instead of having me choose because you may not like my decision or choice of words, however i did do some talking/text. I hope you enjoy :3

Tamaki: As he promised he came and picked you up on Sunday at 12pm, you had your hair out and you were wearing a flowy (A/N Flowy is not a word but that all I can use to describe it) knee length dress and a flower crown. Tamaki took you to a quite park where you both had a picnic with all of your favourite food, when Tamaki tried to feed you he would get the food directly in your mouth. It started to rain so you both ran under a near by tree where he pulled you close to him so you don't get cold. You gazed at Tamaki as drops of rain dripped off the tips of his hair and off the tips of his lips, your heart skipped at beat at the sight.
"Are you okay Y/N?" Tamaki asked as him turned his head towards you
"Umm, yeah" You responded trying not to blush
"So, Tamaki do you think-" you were cut off when Tamaki put his lips on yours and kissed you sweetly.
"I had to do that at least once" He said smiling. Soon the rain had cleared and you both left the park hand in hand

Kyoya: As you sat in front of your mirror brushing your hair you thought of all the things that might happen on your date with Kyoya. You were wearing mint green dress that went up to just above your knees and a dark black headband. After looking at yourself in the mirror you heard the doorbell ring as a maid called out for you to come downstairs, you rush down the stairs to see Kyoya waiting for you with a gentle smile on his face. He took you both to a fancy café that was centred in the middle of a maze, you both had a steady conversation going and you learned a lot of new things about Kyoya. After finishing you lunch at the café you both decided to leave, but finding a way out of the maze proved more difficult then you thought.
"Have we been past this hedge before?" You asked As you both stopped at a corner covered with roses
"Hmmm, I think we have, which would mean that we've been walking in circles." Kyoya answer picking a rose and placing it behind your ear. You looked down and tried to avoid eye contact with Kyoya as you tried to hide you blush. Just as you were about to look up at Kyoya, he lifted your chin and kissed you lightly on your lips which made you shocked at first but you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him back. You both pulled back and you grabbed Kyoya's wrist as you turned back and said to him:
"Come on Kyoya we can't just stand around here all day" By the time you both made it out of the maze it was almost sunset.

Hikaru: He had invited you to meet him at an arcade for you date. This was going to be your very first ever date and you were really nervous, the only things you could think about was what was going to happen. You arrived at the arcade 10 minutes late and you felt super bad for Hikaru. As soon as you saw him you started frantically bowing your head and apologising.
"It's okay Y/N! It must take a while to look as beautiful as you" Hikaru said slightly blushing, which in turn made you blush as well. After standing around in awkwardness you asked him why there weren't any other people at the arcade.
"Oh, it's because I paid the owner to book it out for today, just for our date" He said as he handed you a bag of tokens.
"What! Hikaru, you didn't have to do that!" You said shocked at what he had done
"Well.... I did this because your really special to me and i wanted to impress you"
"Well congrats you did really impress me" you said smiling happily at him. You both spent around 2 hours just playing games and trying to beat each others scores. You went to try a game that you have never played before and you were failing pretty bad.
"Aarrghh!!" You screamed in frustration as you lost again at the game
"Do you want me to help you?" Hikaru offered
"Sure, I guess" you answered and you went back to start the game. Once the game started you felt Hikaru's arms wrap you and his hands go over yours, you blushed wildly and looked down at your feet.
"You know Y/N, if you look down you won't be able to see the game" Hikaru said as he started moving the hand that was on the joystick and started pushing buttons
"O-oh y-yeah" you stammered as you turned your head and looked back at Hikaru, who to your shock was blushing a bright crimson red, when he saw you looking at him he pressed his lips against yours and placed his hands on your waist and pulled you closer to him. You were shocked at first but soon you just fell into the kiss and kissed h back. At the end of the day you never did learn how to play that game but you didn't you care about it, since you had something else on your mind.

Kaoru: You went to meet Kaoru at the cinemas which was across from the arcade where you saw Hikaru on a date with a very pretty girl. You saw Kaoru waiting for you at the ticket desk and so you walked up to him all excited and happy.
"Hi Kaoru!" You said as you approached him with an adorable grin.
"Hi Y/N, you look really pretty by the way" Kaoru said slightly blushing
"Hehehe, so do you" You said giggling
"So what movie do you wan to watch?" He asked
"Hmm well I don't really want to wait for a movie so how about we watch the earliest movie? i-if you want to" You offered
"Sure that sounds like a great idea" Kaoru said as he walked up to the person at the desk ordering tickets to the next movie which just happened to be a super romantic movie. After getting popcorn, drinks and churros (a/n because going to watch a movie without churros is an insult to me) you both walked over to you designated cinema screen and got seats at the very back. You were both really nervous about watching the movie since there were a lot of couples who were coming to watch the movie. The movie was half way through and there was a VERY INTESE make out scene with the two lead characters and at the same moment almost every couple in the cinema started making out or kissing as well, while you and Kaoru were just sitting there awkwardly trying not to looked at the screen or any of the couples.
"Hey Y/N..." Kaoru whispered to you
"Huh?" You said as you turned your head to see Kaoru really close to your face
"Do you mind if we could maybe kiss?" Kaoru asked looking at you in the eye
"Umm I don't mind Kaoru" You responded leaning closer to Karou until you lips slowly touched each other and then crash into each other, the kiss slowly became more deep as Kaoru tilted his head slightly, and in turn you tilted yours. After your very sweet kiss you both held hands throughout the whole date until Kaoru dropped you off at your house.

Honey: Honey had invited you to a café that specialises in cakes, at first when he told you, you were a bit surprised but you soon loved the idea of it. You arrived at the Café at the same time as Honey, when he saw you he instantly ran up to you and hugged you.
"Hi Y/N-Chan!" He screamed as he hugged you.
"Hi Honey sempai!" You said in return and you hugged him back. After greeting each other Honey lead you to a table for you both to sit at. You sat at the rounded table with Honey next to you, after getting comfortable a waitress came to you table and gave you both a menu. When you first received the menu you thought that you didn't want to get too much food in case Honey thinks bad of you, but you did end up getting a lot of cake and when i say a lot I really do mean A LOT! But Honey didn't see to mind it which made you feel a lot more comfortable (a/n i feel like i have put down a lot of a lots). As you were both enjoying your cakes and enjoying the nice weather Honey started giggling.
"What are giggling about sempai?" You asked putting your fork down or what ever utensil you use to eat cake.
"Heehehe, you have some cake or your face Y/N-chan" He said smiling sweetly at you. You quickly blushed in embarrassment and looked away from Honey as you tried to get the cake off you face.
"Here I'll help" Honey said as you turned your head to face him, only to have his lips crash into yours, You were surprised by the kiss but you didn't stop it or him. Honey pulled back from the kiss and then looked at you saying:
"Yep! Theres no more cake on your face" Honey said smiling largely at you. For the rest of the date you both ate cake and drank tea. The next day you had a stomach ache that did really bad things to you and the toilet.

Mori: You and Mori went on a date to an amusement park that was filled with popcorn, rides, children, clowns and balloons. You were super excited to go to an amusement park since you hadn't been to one before. You and Mori had arranged to meet up at the front of the park, it was a really busy day since it was the weekend so you thought it would make it harder to find him, but then of course Mori is quite tall so you could easily see him in the crowd. You lightly ran up to where he was and greeted him. Mori is a man with little words so you were doing most of the talking throughout the date but he didn't seem to mind.
"Y/N do you wan to go on the Ferris wheel?" Mori asked as he handed you a medium sized popcorn.
"Ohh yeah! Thats a great way to end the day! Good idea Mori-Sempai" You said beaming. You both shared the same cart and you were trying not to move too much because you didn't want to shake the cart. Your cart was reaching the top of the wheel but as soon as it did the whole ride stopped.
"What happening?" You said as you tried to look down from the cart
"Our apologies everyone! The ride is experiencing a technical difficulty and will be momentarily stopped" You heard a man say through a megaphone, which was then followed by a loud annoyed groan from the crowd and the people in the Ferris wheel, including you. You slumped back in the seat and turned to looked at Mori who swiftly and quickly grabbed both your hands and raised then above your head as he pushed you against a side of the cart and kissed you passionately, you had you eyes wide open due to shock but soon closed them and fell into the kiss with Mori. He pulled back and let go of your hands as he looked at you lovingly. It was 6:30pm once the Ferris wheel started working again and you both left the park hand in hand.

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