Valentines day (fail!!)

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Tamaki✧Tamaki had carefully place a bunch of different coloured rose petals to form a giant heart that had rose petal in the middle that spelled out "happy Valentine's Day my one true love" he also scattered around chocolate around the rose petal heart. You were completely asleep on the couch while he was doing this so he was hoping that you would be super surprised and happy when you woke up. Soon after he was finished you groggily woke up.

"Jesus it's hot in here!" You said getting up and opening a window, a breeze flew in and all the petals got swept up in the wind and scattered everywhere, as you turned around Tamaki was stood there shocked as he saw the scattered petals that he spent hours setting up

"Tamaki I know it's Valentine's Day and all but don't just put chocolate and petal everywhere randomly" you said kissing his cheek and going to the kitchen

Kyoya✦ Kyoy planned on surprising you on the morning of Valentine's Day so he was patiently waiting out side you room until he heard your alarm go off. As soon as if went off he walked into your room only to see you tightly hugging a body pillow of (insert anime character name here). You turned your head to the door as light entered your room.

"... It's not what it looks I swear" you said still hugging th body pillow

"...I'll come back later, like maybe Valentine's Day next year......" Kyoya said walking out of your room with a somewhat annoyed look on his face

Hikaru✧ It was 10 in the morning on Valentine's Day and Hikaru knew that you would still be asleep, so he wanted to wake you up by him singing your favourite song. You were fast asleep when you heard music playing outside your window and someone started singing, you found the singing to be good and all but you were trying to sleep so you screamed out your instant reaction to people waking you up.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!! PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO SLEEP ASSHOLE!!!" The music stopped playing as you said that.

"Happy Valentine's Day Y/N!!" You heard someone say back in response, you instantly realised it was Hikaru

"HIKARU YOU SHOULD KNOW BETTER THAN TO WAKE ME UP SO EARLY IN THE MORNING!!" Hikaru just nodded his head as he packed everything up and went home

Kaoru✦ Kaoru had bought you a giant stuffed teddy bear that was bugger than you. It was hard for him to hide it so as soon as you went out he put the bear in your room and planned to surprise you as soon as you got back. He sat around waiting in your room for an hour until he heard you walk through your front door. He instantly grabbed the bear and hid behind the door.

"Oi Kaoru are you here??" Just as you said that he jumped out and scared you, let's just say it didn't go ti his plan because you ended up on the floor crying...... The bear also replaced your need to hug Kaoru while sleeping..... The bear also took his place on the bed..... Kaoru regretted buying you the bear.

Honey✧ Being the cake loving fanatic that Honey is he had gotten a giant cake especially made for you. The cake was larger that Honey and there was a hole directly down the middle of the cake for Honey to jump out and surprise you. You were coming back from the shops after buying some food but as soon as you walked in you saw the giant cake sitting in the living room. You didn't touch it because you wanted to wait for Honey to appear so you could thank him for the cake as well as share the cake with him. Little did you know that Honey was sitting in the hollow hole of the cake in the middle waiting for you, he didn't hear you come in because of the thick layers of the cake. He was sitting in the cake for about 2 and a half hours, during this time parts of the cake began falling off and melting, you turned up the air con to cool it down but it didn't work. You decided to call Honey and ask where he was so that you could share the cake with him. When you started ringing him you heard his ringtone coming from inside the cake, you stood on a chair and saw a latch that opened it too see Honey asleep in the cake. You wanted to wake him up so that he wouldn't suffocate but you thought he'd be alright so you left him in the cake and waited for him to wake up by himself.

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