He/she helps you with homework/assignment work

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A/N-- Sooo I'm on school holidays and so far I have done nothing except for finishing 3 animes in 3 days which a really productive way to spend your life 0_O anyway I thought that if you guys have any questions for me of anything the you wanna say to me or tell me of something then tell me it here~~~ okay that is all.... I hope you enjoy :3~~

Tamaki: You were doing your maths homework and got stuck on a linear equation. You tried doing the question over and over again but kept getting it wrong.

"Tamaki~~" you sang as you skipped next to him

"Yes my princess" he said smiling as he looked up at you

"I don't understand this question, can you help me please?" You said handing the paper to Tamaki, he stared at it blankly and then turned around to go on his laptop

"What are doing?"

"Asking professor Google"

Kyoya: You were doing your drama assignment and realised that you needed someone to pretend that they were a prince, so the first person you went to was Kyoya. You had him come over to your house and got him dressed as a prince, you stared at him for half an hour as you were surprised at how much of a prince he looked. You started filming the scene.

"And action!" You said as Kyoya started reading the monologue, half way through you stopped filming

"Umm, Kyoya?"

"Yes Y/N"

"What did you get for drama last year?"

".... C-" he said lowering his head

"No wonder....... You sound like someone just died when this is supposed to be happy"

Hikaru: You and Hikaru were doing homework together when you suddenly got stuck on a question. You asked Hikaru for help as you expect that he was past the question.

"Hey Hikaru-" you stopped halfway through as you saw that Hikaru hadn't even started and that he was watching stuff on youtube


"Never mind....." You said going back to work

Kaoru: You were recording something for music and kept on screwing up on your guitar.

"Do you want me to do it Y/N?" Kaoru asked as he sat down next to you

"You can play guitar?"

"Just trust me" he said taking the guitar from you as he started playing. He played every chord wrong, he didn't even come close to playing anything right. You tried no to laugh at him as he finished

Honey: You were practising the cake you were going to make for your home-ec assignment. You had finished making the cake and had Honey test it out.

"Hmmm, it's good but it's a little burt" Honey said as he continued to eat it. You had made the same cake over 50 more times because of Honey changing feedback.

"Actually the first one you made was really" your eye started twitching once honey said that then you realised that Honey had kept you making making because he was hungry.

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