You reject his apology

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Tamaki: Tamaki felt terrible about what had happen and he tried talking to you since you broke up with him but, you never answer his calls or texts. While you were lounging around and watching Tv you suddenly got a call over Skype, it was Tamaki, you rejected his call and got a message from him say to look outside of you window. You were curious about it so you opened opened up you window and saw Tamaki, and behind him you saw you favourite band, who started playing your favourite song. You were shocked and so happy to see your favourite band playing a song for you, but you knew that this was one of Tamaki's ways of trying to get you back. You sat on you window sill and glared at Tamaki, as the music became more quite and soon stopped Tamaki started talking.

"Y/N, I'm sorry about what I did and I didn't mean, I love you more then anything in the world and I can't stand losing you, so please can you take me back?" He asked kneeling down and extending a bouquet of roses up to you

"...No" you said bluntly as you closed your window on Tamaki and went back to lay on your bed. After receiving your response Tamaki started crying, he told the band to leave, as he walked back to his limo and silently cried, he had left the bouquet of roses underneath you window, in hopes that you would keep them, you did eventually go down and get the roses Tamaki left for you and you out then in a vase in your room.

Kyoya: You were at school in the middle of class, it was you least favourite subject and you would do anything to get out of it. You were being forced to read in front of the class and just as you were about to talk the loudspeaker went off.

"Miss Y/N L/N (<- last name), can you please go to music room 3" as soon as you heard you name you sprinted out of the room. You hadn't been in the host club room for about 3 weeks and you were kind of nervous about going in, you took a deep breathe in and opened the door. There wasn't the usual blow of rose petals in your face instead when you walked in you all you saw was Kyoya standing by the window as he was painting on an canvas. It didn't seem like he had noticed you, so you walked around him to see what he was painting. You were so surprised to see what he was painting, he was painting a picture of you and it looked so life like, you were completely entranced by the picture but you snapped out of it as soon as he turned around and hugged you.


"Y/N, please take me back, I promise to never to anything like that ever again"

"Kyoya... Get off me!!" You said as you pushed him away


"Kyoya, I'm not taking you back and that's final, goodbye"

You stomped out of the room and went back to class. Kyoya slumped down on to a chair rubbed his eyes, so he could avoid crying.

Hikaru: You decided to go out to the mall by yourself and you just wondered around looking at stuff. After lapping the mall for the fifth time you decided to sit down and get something to eat, you bought a bunch of cookies for yourself and you were about to eat them, until you noticed that there was writing on them, you took all of the cookies from the paper bag and laid them out on the table, it didn't take you long to figure out what the writing said. (Italics are what was said on the cookies)

Y/N, I love you, please take me back. From Hikaru

You felt someone watching you, so you turned around and you saw Hikaru smiling at you, you pushed all of the cookies back into the bag and crushed them all up until it was just a bag of cookie crumbs, you walked up to Hikaru and said:


"B-but Y/n?"

"Leave me alone" you said as you walked off and threw the bag of crumbs into the bin.

Kaoru: You were getting ready to go to the school dance and you were in the middle of doing you hair when you heard the doorbell ring, you thought that it wasn't for you so you didn't bother going downstairs.

"Hey Y/N! It's for you!!" You heard Älva shout out to you.

"Okay, I'm coming!" You shouted back as you finished straightening/curling the last bit of your hair. You wondered who had come to your house to see you, once you arrived at the bottom of the stairs you looked up to see Kaoru standing in you front door way, holding a bouquet of flowers.

"Hey, Y/N" Karou said quietly

"Ugh, what do you want Karou"

"I was just wondering if you want to go to the dance with me? and start over and forget what happened before"

*sigh* " No Karou, I won't forget what you did, goodbye and have a good night" you said closing the door on Karou. You didn't end up going to the dance because you wanted to avoid talking to Kaoru, so you spent the night in your room doing homework.

Honey: You decided to go for a walk with Felix's dogs (Edger and Maya), you took then to a local dog park and let them run around for a bit while you just sat on the bench and them chase each other and other dogs. After spending half an hour at the park you thought it was about time you all went home, so you got edger and maya back on their leashes and left the dog park, while walking you tripped and accidentally let go of the leashes which let the pugs run off into the back of the park, you chased them into the more forestry part of the park and finally caught up with them, you looked up to see where you were and you noticed Honey standing in front of you surrounded by rows of flowers and a table with two chairs and some cake on it.

"Hi Y/N-chan"

"Oh, hi Mitskuni" you said as you picked up the dog leashes and walked away for Honey

"Well, see you at school Mitskuni" you said walking up a small hill

"Wait! Y/N, turn around" Honey called out to you as you reached the top of the hill. You stopped and slowly turned around to look down the hill, you looked at the rows of flowers that weren't actually rows, they were letters, you read out what the letters said.

"Y/N, I love you and I'm sorry for not telling you, please take me back, from Honey"

"So will you?" Honey said looking up at you from the bottom of the hill.

"No" You turned around and left Honey in the middle of the forest, what he said made you think though, he wanted you take him back meaning that he broke up with the other girl, for you sake, thinking about that made you cry, but you shook yourself out of it and left the park forest.

Mori: You were in your backyard meditating and relaxing, it was a quiet day so you thought it was a good time to just relax and breathe and to think about what happened between you and Mori. While thinking you heard a rustle in the bushes, you turned around too see what or who it was, you were extremely cautious while walking up to it and as soon as you were a meter away from the bush you took you shoe off and threw it at the bush, you heard it hit something so you moved back a couple of spaces and peered forward. Something stood up from the bush and to your surprise it was Mori, who was holding the shoe that you just threw at him.

"What are you doing?" You said snatching the shoe from him

"I came to apologise to you, about what happened and hope that you'll take me back" Mori said bowing towards you

"Hmph, I accept your apology but I'm not taking you back"

"But Y/N I-"

"Now if you wouldn't mind, can you please get off my property before I call the guards" You said pointing to the door and signalling Mori to leave

"Uh... Okay, bye Y/N" Mori said leaving your house. After he left your house he went to the park to cool himself, he walked to the back of the park and punched a tree, leaving a large mark on the tree, he punched the tree out of frustration, because he knew that he might not get you back.

Ouran High School Host Club BF and GF Scenarios [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now