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I stayed the night at Tyler's, it was weird but nice to wake up in his arms, not only have I been fantasizing about it for years, I've never slept in someone's so it was refreshing to do so but it also threw me off when I woke up in a space that I wasn't familiar with.

Tyler and I decided that we would see each other after his game in a couple of days and that he is going to set up tickets for me. I also have to do homework and deal with school stuff before the game, so that's also why we're going to take a little break from hanging out.

Well, I'm home now, I have to get cleaned up for work. My mom has today off, so I know I won't be able to avoid her whenever I get inside.

Anyway, I got out of my car and walked towards the front door. When I got to it, I unlocked it and walked in, my mom was sitting in her chair, watching the local news and drinking her morning coffee.

"Where were you last night? You got off at six and never came home. I've been up all night worrying about you!" my mom shouted, clearly worried.

"I was out with Raelynn" I lied.

"Whose shirt is that then? And what's up with the bruise on your neck?" She asked, catching me in my lie.

"I spent the night at the boy I've been talking to's house, last night and this is his shirt" I admitted.

"So you have time to suck face with sex crazed 19 and 20 year olds, but no time to have the decency to text your mother to let her know of your whereabouts?!" She snapped.

"I'm sorry, I forgot- wait you don't grill me this hard when I forget to let you know that I'm hanging out with Raelynn!" I replied.

"Raelynn can't get you pregnant" she shrugged.

"Well, for your information, this boy and I are not having sex. The most we've done is makeout" I snapped.

"I don't care. You didn't have the decency to let me know that you weren't gonna be coming home, so why should I listen to what you have to say" my mom shot back. I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever, I'm gonna get ready for work" I told her.

"Thank you for telling me that but not that you weren't gonna be coming home!" She shouted as I walked up the stairs. She's a damn child.

As I was walking to my room, my sister opened up her bedroom door.

"What the hell are you guys yelling about?" My sister, Ainsley asked.

"Don't worry about it." I mumbled.

"No, I'm gonna worry about it because mom is taking it out on me and I had to listen to dad bitch about you not coming to dinner!" She snapped.

"Fine. I'm seeing a guy. Okay?!" I snapped back.

"What's his name? How old is he? What does he look like?" She asked. Holy shit this girl asks a lot of questions.

"He's 29. That's all I'm telling you." I told her.

"I'm your sister, you don't have to hold back" she told me.

"Unfortunately, I do because we're not official, yet and I don't want word getting out that he's with me" I replied.

"Word getting out? What do you mean?" She asked, confused.

"Okay, I can give you one more hint but you have to keep it to yourself. Got it?" I asked. She nodded in response.

"I'm seeing a hockey player" I told her.

"Okay, and? So you're seeing a hockey player, what's the big deal?" She asked.

"He plays for the NHL" I replied.

"What team?" She asked.

"None of your business" I told her.

"How will your pretend boyfriend, Tyler whatever his last name is, feel about it?" She laughed.

Ha. Pretend boyfriend. He's my almost boyfriend. Nothing pretend about it.

Gotta keep my mouth shut though because once she finds out my secret, she'll tell him everything that I'm hiding.

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