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Today is Christmas, it's supposed to be a happy and cheerful day spent with family but my heart is shattered into a million little tiny pieces. I just wanna crawl into a hole and never come out.

"Chloe, Santa came!" My dad said excitedly. I didn't wanna get out of bed.

"Santa doesn't exist, dad" I replied.

"Yes, he does. Now get out of bed, so we can open presents and eat breakfast" he shot back, taking away my blanket and dragging me out of bed.

"Ughhhh" I groaned. I just wanna sleep for the rest of my life.

We walked out to the living room and sat down in front of the tree.

My dad handed my sister and I our presents from him but he says it's from 'Santa'.

We opened them up, he got us each a pair of shoes and a new phone for our phones.

"Thank you, dad" my sister and I both said to my dad.

"Don't thank me, thank Santa" he replied. I rolled my eyes and laughed and my sister shook her head.


We got finished opening presents and eating breakfast. My dad made pancakes, bacon and eggs for breakfast.

I got my sister a new hoodie, and my dad a new wallet since his was falling apart and my sister gave me a new comforter set and my dad a pair of pants.

Christmas was good so far, despite my broken heart. My dad and sister don't know that Jake and I broke up, I'm not gonna tell them today, I don't wanna ruin Christmas.

I'm in my room now, trying not to think about last night. I wish life wasn't one or the other and I could be the one that's happy.

I decided to text Jake to see if he'll even answer.


Merry Christmas. I know
I haven't ever actually
said it but I love you.


Please give me my space.
You're only saying you
love me because you
fucked up and I'm done
with it.


Jake, we can talk things
out. I'm sorry. We were
both upset last night and
said some things we didn't


You may not have
meant everything you
said but I did, and I
meant it when I said
that I think we should
take a break. We're on
two completely different
wavelengths rn and we
need time to see if
continuing this
relationship is right for
us. Please give me my
space or I'm going to
block you. I hope you
have a good Christmas.

I sighed and put my phone down. I hope we can work things out, I don't wanna lose him. I really do care about him, I wish he could see that.

My phone started ringing, it was Tyler facetiming me. I hit accept and his face popped up.

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