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Tyler's POV


I woke up with a pounding headache and I had no idea where I was. I turned over to see a girl that wasn't Chloe in bed next to me. Fuck. I fucked up big time.

I shook the girl awake so I could figure out what happened.

"What?" The girl asked, groggily.

"What happened last night?" I asked.

"We met in the club, you bought me a drink, we danced on each other, you said you haven't had sex in forever because your girlfriend is a prude and we took things back to my place" she explained.

"I fucked up. Where's my phone?" I asked.

"On my dresser. Can you please get dressed and leave? I don't like my one night stands here for more than thirty minutes after waking up" she replied. I sighed and got out of the bed.

I grabbed my phone off of her dresser and turned it on. I had fifteen missed calls and one text from Chloe and a text from Oettinger.

I opened up the text from Oettinger first.


I hope you feel like
shit in the morning
for ruining your
relationship with
the most perfect
girl. I took the
liberty of reporting
you to her bc she
deserves to know
and you don't
deserve her. It
might have been
a dick move but
idc she deserved
to know that the
man she loves
isn't faithful.
I told her as soon
as I witnessed you
and that girl
messing around bc
I knew you were
gonna lie and
pretend nothing
happened. I hope
that girl gave you
a long list of STDs.

Fuck. She already knows. I don't blame him for telling her, I would want to be told if she was fucking around. My heart hurts because I was stupid enough to get trashed and fuck around and I potentially lost the girl that I'm in love with because I can't keep it in my pants when alcohol is in my system.

I read the text from Chloe and my heart shattered, she broke up with me. She gave me another chance and I blew it. There's no coming back from this, she's not ever gonna forgive me for doing this to her.

My eyes welled up with tears as I got dressed. I'm such a fuck up. I ruined the one good thing I had in my life because I wanted to celebrate the last win of the season.

"Why are you crying?" The girl asked.

"My girlfriend broke up with me" I replied, my voice cracking.

"Why are you sad about that? She doesn't fuck you, you're better off." She shrugged. I took a deep breath and got my composure before responding.

"I was shitfaced last night, I wasn't myself. What we did, was a mistake. My girlfriend has issues that cause sex to not be a thing. She does a lot of other things for me to make up for that and I broke her heart by doing what I did" I replied.

"Plenty of fish in the sea. Now get out of my house" the girl told me. I rolled my eyes and made my way out of her house.

Now to figure out my way back to the hotel. I might as well call Jamie and give him all the details when I get back to the hotel.


I got an uber back to the hotel we were all staying at. I plugged in my phone and called Jamie. It rang five times before he answered.

"Hello?" He answered groggily.

"Did I wake you up?" I asked.

"No, I woke up about five minutes ago. What's up?" He asked.

"I know we really haven't talked in a while outside of practice and games but I really need a friend right now" I replied.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Chloe broke up with me. I cheated on her last night when we all went to the club and Oettinger told her" I explained.

"Shit man. I hate to say it, but you guys are probably better off, she needs someone around her age and vice versa. You're not ready to settle down quite yet." He replied.

"Dude, I'm in love with her. I fought to get her back and I fucked up. I don't know what to do, I don't want anybody else, I only want her." I told him, I felt like I was going to start crying.

"I'm not sure there's any coming back from this, if she takes you back, she's likely not ever gonna trust you again. Is that something you want to deal with?" He asked.

"I'll deal with anything if it means that I'll have her by my side" I replied.

"Just give her some time and some space and then talk to her. She's probably really angry and hurt right now, and when you do talk to her, don't try to rationalize what you did. Just admit that you're wrong." He told me.

"Thanks, man. I'm gonna get ready for the flight back home, see ya later" I told him.

"Alright, see ya" he said before hanging up.

I gotta figure out what I'm gonna do to win her back. I know Oettinger is just waiting for the opportunity to get her back.

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