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"-I just don't understand why you went back to that Tyler guy, I liked Jake, he didn't take you away from your family all of the time" my mom complained.

I finally told her that Jake and I broke up and I took Tyler back. Tyler and I have been back together for two weeks now. We agreed to take things slow, I told him it's not a good idea for me to go to games right now because Jamie's girlfriend and I don't get along and I'd rather not deal with that tension.

"Jake and I are still friends but I have stronger feelings for Tyler" I replied.

"I still don't like him. He's hurt you and when you guys are a couple, you have a bad attitude and spend every little bit of free time with him" she told me.

"I don't have a bad attitude, and yes, I'm going to spend time with him when we both have free time, he's a very busy man" I explained.

"Can you hand me an onion? And you're a very busy woman, I'm sure he has a family he needs to spend time with too!" My mom replied. I got an onion and peeled it before handing it to my mom.

"His family lives in Canada" I told her.

"What is he doing in this neck of the woods?" She asked as she chopped the onion.

"He's on the hockey team that Jake is on" I responded.

"Ah, so you like to hop from team member to team member?" She asked.

"No, it's just a coincidence" I told her, rolling my eyes.

"Are you sure you didn't just want to get back at him for breaking up with you?" She asked.

"Oh my God, mom! I'm not that type of person!" I replied.

"How was I supposed to know? You've never been with a boy until here recently" she said, defensively as she finished cutting up her onion and put the pieces of onion into the pan she had on the stove. I put her cutting board and knife in the sink.

"Why would assume something that your daughter would do something that grimy?" I asked.

"I just don't understand why you're getting so offended. I asked a simple question" she shrugged. I rolled my eyes.

"Because you assumed that I'm a slut!" I told her.

"I never said you were a slut, Chloe! I said that you bounce around different guys!" She replied, raising her voice.

"That's basically the same thing!" I snapped.

"No, it's not! If you're going to have an attitude with me then get your ass out of my kitchen!" She shouted.

"Gladly! I'm going out." I told her, walking out of the kitchen.

"No, you're not! It's almost dinner time and you're not spending all of your time with Tyler" she replied. I didn't reply and walked out the door.

I don't understand why she has to be like this. We'll be getting along and then she makes a rude comment about me, I just don't get it. Why can't you be happy for your daughter?

I started my car and texted Tyler to let him know that I was coming over.


I'm coming over.
My mom pissed me


He's busy.

He's fucking what? Who the fuck has his phone? Who the fuck is at his house?

Why would Tyler fight so hard to get me back to do this shit to me?!

I shifted my car into drive and sped out of the driveway, making my tires squeal in the process.


I got to Tyler's. I'm so pissed. How could he do this to me?

I got out of my car and stomped to his front door and opened it.

"There you are!" Tyler said with a smile on his face as I walked in.

"Where is she?!" I shouted.

"Nobody was here, I just wanted you to get over here faster" he replied.

"Why would you do something like that?!" I snapped.

"I wanted to see you and didn't want to wait forty five minutes because you did the speed limit" he shrugged.

"You're a fucking dick, Tyler!" I replied.

"I love you" he replied, trying to give me a hug.

"You love me?" I asked.

"Yeah, I realized that I love you after I saw you and Jake together and how much it hurt to see that" he told me.

"Don't you think it's a little soon to say those words? I mean, we just got back together and we've been together for a grand total of not even two months" I asked.

"It might be too soon, but I still care for you deeply and I thought you should know" he replied.

"I appreciate the sentiment, but, I don't feel comfortable saying those words yet and I'm still mad at you" I told him.

"I'm sorry for doing that, I shouldn't have done it, if I got you food, would it make you not mad at me?" He apologized.

"Perhaps, what kind of food are we talking?" I asked.

"Anything you want" he replied.

"Let's get McDonald's" I suggested.

"Your wish is my command" he stated. I chuckled. He grabbed his keys and we went out to his car.

I can't believe he loves me.

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