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"-You've seriously never been ice skating?!" Tyler asked me, in shock.

"No, you have to remember, my parents were against anything that might bring me the least bit of joy" I replied.

"Well, that's gonna change, we're going to go get you a pair of skates and I'm taking you skating!" He insisted.

"Are you gonna help me up when I inevitably bust my ass on the ice?" I asked.

"Duh" he replied. He let his dogs out one last time before we left his house.

It's been a week since the whole 'I love you' thing. He hasn't said it since because it made me uncomfortable. It's not that I don't care about him, it's just- it's just that our relationship isn't really completely smooth sailing quite yet and I don't want to say it if we're just going to break up in a week.

We haven't even attempted sex since we've been back together. We haven't even made out. It's nice, we're just enjoying each other without the pressure of sex, this time.

Tyler let his dogs in and we walked out the front door to his car.

"Why didn't your parents let you do anything cool like ice skating or let you watch sports?" He asked.

"My parents didn't believe in sports because they felt competitiveness was bad for a child's development and they didn't want me to have any type of fun, so I wasn't allowed to play outside or have toys, they wanted me to focus on school and chores." I told him.

"That sounds absolutely horrible" he replied.

"It was, partner that with them hitting my sister and I any time we got a bad grade or missed a spot with our chores, it was hell. It was like that until my dad left. Him and my mom got divorced, my mom started taking bipolar disorder medication and I was allowed to have a life to a degree. I didn't have friends until I was fifteen because my parents didn't want me to have any distractions" I responded. My eyes were starting to well up with tears as we turned onto the main road.

It's hard for me to talk about my childhood, it was a lot worse than what I'm telling him. I don't feel comfortable telling him about getting taken away four times and returned almost immediately, yet. There was also the fact that they were heavily addicted to drugs until I was twelve and they let their druggie friends have their way with my sister and I for drugs. It's all too painful for me to talk about.

"Hey, you don't need to cry, it's alright, you have me and I won't let anything bad happen to you" he assured, grabbing my hand. I wiped my eyes and smiled at him.


We got me pair of skates and now we're at an ice rink.

We just got onto to the ice, I feel like I'm about to fall.

"How do you not fall?" I asked.

"Just try to stay balanced and keep moving! It's easy!" He replied, skating in circles as I held on to the wall.

"It's easy for you because you've been doing this your entire life!" I told him.

"Well, I had to fall a few times before I got the hang of it!" He shot back.

"You're not gonna get the hang of it, if you hold onto the wall all day!" He added.

"I don't wanna fall!" I replied.

"Grab my hand and I'll catch you if you fall" he told me, reaching out his hand towards me. I grabbed his hand and let go of the wall.

We started off slow, I used Tyler to keep me moving because I haven't exactly figured out the right way to move my feet.

"Are you good for me to let you go?" He asked.

"Uhh... sure..." I replied, nervously.

"I don't have to let you go, if you're not ready for me to" he assured me.

"No, no, I can get it" I told him.

"Okay..." he replied, not believing a word I just said. He let go of my hand and I slowly skated across the ice, my legs bowed out the further I went because I didn't know how to move my feet.

Then the inevitable happened and I ended up falling when I tried to get my feet back together. I fell on my ass and kept falling as I tried to get back up.

Tyler skated over to me and helped me up.

"You want me to keep holding your hand?" He asked.

"Please?" I asked. He smiled and laced our fingers together.


We got done skating, now we're back in his car.

"Did you have fun?" He asked.

"Yeah. I didn't really enjoy falling though" I replied.

"You'll be a pro at it, one day. You just need to practice and if you're with me, we're definitely gonna go skating together more" he told me.

"I think I might need a few days to recover from today" I laughed.

"Oh quit being a baby, you only fell like three times" he replied, rolling his eyes.

"Three times? More like ten! My ass, hands and knees hurt from hitting the ground so much!" I told him.

"I think you'll live" he laughed.

"You're a dick!" I laughed.

"The biggest one you know!" He replied. We laughed together and looked over at each other.

"I love you" he told me, putting his hand on my cheek. I'm still uncomfortable with saying it back, so I just leaned in and kissed him.

"You still don't feel ready to say back?" He asked.

"Not yet" I replied. He frowned for a moment and leaned in and kissed me again.

"Do you work tomorrow?" He asked.

"Yeah, I have to be in at six and then go to school right after work. I won't be done with everything until like five. Why?" I replied.

"I wanted to see if you wanted to spend the night, tonight, but, you have to be up early, so I don't wanna keep you up late" he replied. It's already dark, it's six at night, right now.

"I can still spend the night, we just need to swing by my house to get my uniform" I told him.

"But you need to get a good night's rest" he told me.

"You're worth not sleeping" I replied.

"No, you need to sleep otherwise you're gonna be grumpy" he insisted.

"Fine, how about we get my uniform, make dinner real quick, get ready for bed and watch a movie in your room to fall asleep?" I suggested.

"Deal" he replied. I pecked him on the lips before we buckled up.

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