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It's been a week since the game, Tyler and I have been talking everyday, I'm getting closer and closer to saying fuck it and getting back together with Tyler. He's been so sweet to me and it's making me realize how much I actually do love him. He's making me fall in love with him all over again.

But again, these pesky fears keep getting in the way of what I want. I want Tyler. I've always wanted him, I've always loved him. Despite him hurting me, so many damn times, I still want him but I can't help but put a wall up around me, so he can't hurt me.

"-You guys might as well date, y'all are attached at the hip anyway" Leah said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"I want to, believe me but I don't wanna rush anything and I don't wanna get hurt again" I explained.

"How many times have y'all made out since y'all have been friends?" She asked.

"Twice, what does that have to do with anything?" I asked.

"Well, if you're fine with swapping spit, you should be okay with the chances of getting hurt. He's not gonna wait around forever and when he does get tired of waiting and finds somebody else, it's gonna hurt you more than a breakup would" she told me.

"Maybe, you're right but I'm so terrified of him cheating again or leaving me" I sighed, sitting down and putting my head in my hands.

"You've gotta overcome that fear and the only way to overcome it is to do the thing you're scared of. In this instance, you're scared of a reformed relationship with Tyler, the only way to sort of overcome that fear is to get back with him. Yes, the chance of him cheating will always be there but it's a chance in any relationship you get into. If you really like the person, you gotta suck it up" she explained to me.

"I'll think about it" I told her.

"You better" she replied.

"I need to study" I replied.

"Me too, do your thing, I'll do mine. Then you make Tyler yours again" she told me. I nodded and brought out my textbooks so I could study.


I got done studying and doing my homework, now I'm heading over to Tyler's to tell him that I want a relationship with him.

I'm just saying fuck it. If I get hurt, I get hurt. I can't be scared for the rest of my life.

I pulled into his driveway and parked. I texted him to let him know I was here, and got out of the car. I walked to the front door and opened the door.

Tyler was waiting for me on the other side of the door. He wrapped his arms around me and I did the same.

"I missed you" he mumbled.

"I missed you too" I replied. We pulled away from each other and went into his living room.

"I have something to ask you" I told him. I'm gonna ask him to be my boyfriend, again.

"What is it?" He asked. My heart dropped to my stomach and I felt like I was gonna throw up.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" I asked, looking down at the ground. I knew he wasn't gonna say 'no' but I was still nervous that he was gonna say 'no'.

"Of course" he smiled. He leaned over and kissed me.

"What made you change your mind about not rushing things?" He asked.

"Just realizing that my fears are holding me back and I need to push past them. I want you and I'm afraid that if I waited any longer, you would decide I'm not worth waiting for" I explained.

"You're always worth waiting for, Chloe. Please don't feel like you have be with me if you're not ready, you're not going to lose me" he replied.

"I'm ready for a relationship, Tyler. I promise" I told him.

"I love you, so damn much" he told me.

"I love you too, Ty" I smiled.

It feels like everything is starting to fall into place.


Sorry for the short chapter, there's gonna be one more chapter.

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